
quicksand [ˈkwɪksænd]  [ˈkwɪkˌsænd] 


quicksand 基本解释

名词流砂; 流沙,敏捷,危险而捉摸不定的事物; 悬浮体

quicksand 网络解释

1. 流沙:ntal)五级魔法耗mP25点防护术(Shield)一级魔法耗mP5点迟钝术(Slow)一级魔法耗mP6点石头皮肤(StoneSkin)一级魔法耗mP5点显示资源(Viewearth)一级魔法耗mP2点死亡波浪(DeathRipple)二级魔法耗mP10点流沙(Quicksand)二级魔法耗mP8点

2. 涟:quicklime 生石灰 | quicksand 涟 | quicksilver 汞

3. 脸:quicklime 生石灰 | quicksand 脸 | quiescence 休眠

4. 流砂:生石灰 quicklime | 流砂 quicksand | 水银;汞 quicksilver

quicksand 词典解释

1. 流沙
    Quicksand is deep, wet sand that you sink into if you try to walk on it.

    e.g. The sandbank was uncertain, like quicksand under his feet.

2. 难以摆脱的困境;不可靠的局面
    You can refer to a situation as quicksand when you want to suggest that it is dangerous or difficult to escape from, or does not provide a strong basis for what you are doing.

    e.g. I was about to sink into the quicksand of sin...
    e.g. The research seemed founded on quicksand.

quicksand 单语例句

1. To grieve over China's growth is to stick our heads in quicksand.

2. The film concludes rather abruptly when a patrol member is swallowed by the quicksand.

quicksand 英英释义



1. a pit filled with loose wet sand into which objects are sucked down

2. a treacherous situation that tends to entrap and destroy