
quirky ['kwɜ:kɪ]  ['kwɜ:kɪ] 




quirky 基本解释



quirky 网络解释


1. 古怪:在写本文时,我起初只想修改ExpenseInfo类,但是RecordStore类是由一种古怪(quirky)的方法实现的,这使得这么做会难以置信得复杂. (在别的地方需要好几个try嵌套语句). 结果,我对Expenses和DetailForm类也做了修改,从而简化了整个过程.

2. 浮躁:てれや Bashful 害羞 | きまぐれ Quirky 浮躁 | まじめ Serious 认真

3. 诡诈的:quirkish 双关语的 | quirky 诡诈的 | quirt 皮马鞭

4. 怪人:perks 额外收入 | quirky 怪人 | absinthe 苦艾酒

quirky 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. (事物或人)奇特的,离奇的,古怪的
    Something or someone that is quirky is rather odd or unpredictable in their appearance, character, or behaviour.

    e.g. We've developed a reputation for being quite quirky and original...

You will probably notice an element of quirkiness in his behaviour.
quirky 单语例句

1. Psy's quirky dance track has became an Internet phenomenon, clocking up more than 300 million views on YouTube.

2. And to fans who adore his quirky and offbeat New York comedies, the film director offers a heartfelt plea.

3. " BEAUTY CONTEST " Outgoing European Parliament President Pat Cox voiced frustration at the parochial nature of the campaign and the focus on quirky or celebrity candidates.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Sotomayor also will be learning the quirky customs of the highest court in the land.

5. quirky的反义词

5. He made his name on the quirky fast food documentary " Super Size Me, " and recently peered inside the wacky world of product placement in movies.

6. Tables offering quirky gadgets to liven up a dorm room or apartment fill out the space.

7. The beats rang from dance beats to the quirky sounds of everyday life, such as digitalized voices and even kitchen utensils.

8. Ever since Tianzi Fang has filled with quirky retail shops and interesting restaurants, surrounding neighborhoods like Taikang Road are also getting their fair share of attention.

9. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, it's just a quirky thing.

10. Quirky San Francisco brand Benefit has been providing makeup solutions to ladies worldwide for years, and now they're here in Beijing.

quirky 英英释义


1. informal terms
    strikingly unconventional

    Synonym: far-out kinky offbeat way-out