radiation therapy

radiation therapy [ˌreidiˈeiʃən ˈθerəpi]  [ˌrediˈeʃən ˈθɛrəpi] 

radiation therapy 基本解释
radiation therapy 网络解释

1. 放射治疗:临床Ⅰ期手术分期及治疗步骤见图12:2.放射治疗 放射治疗(radiation therapy)是治疗子宫内膜癌有效的方法之一,但单纯的放射治疗Ⅰ期子宫内膜癌的5年生存率仅为52%,疗效明显低于手术治疗或手术与放射联合治疗的5年生存率,平均低20%.

2. 放疗:.癌症患者接受放疗(radiation therapy)的等候时间在四周之内. .髋部骨折(hip fractures)患者可以在48小为了帮助新移民突破语言和文化障碍,从而享受到基本的医疗服务,新版本的<<2005年卑诗省医疗指南>>(BC Health Guide)近日已经出版发行,

3. 放射线疗法:化学疗法(Chemotherapy)与放射线疗法(Radiation therapy)是西方正统医学的利器,两者都是敌、我不分,以人体为战场,是以其副作用大,原本需要作七次化疗的吕教授,在接受一次后就做了逃兵,不过在放疗方面却依顺地全程接受.

4. 放射疗法,辐射疗法:radiation survey meter 辐射测试仪 | radiation therapy 放射疗法,辐射疗法 | radiation trap 辐射捕集器,辐射护墙

radiation therapy 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Michael Jackson must wait a week to find out if he needs radiation therapy to treat his alleged skin cancer.

2. Radiation therapy near the uterus had a significant impact on birth outcomes.

3. CARACAS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez left here for Cuba Saturday night to receive the second round of radiation therapy to fight cancer after surgery.

4. Women who drank only one glass daily had a much lower risk of suffering skin effects from radiation therapy.

5. radiation therapy在线翻译

5. A study in women with breast cancer found that drinking red wine can help limit the toxic effects of radiation therapy.

6. Using the intense radiation therapy, the disease gets cured as well.

7. radiation therapy是什么意思

7. Aggressive surgery has proven effective, but concerns about side effects have limited the use of radiation therapy.

8. The usual treatment is surgery plus chemotherapy or hormone therapy, followed by radiation to prevent a recurrence.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. The Oncology Radiation Therapy Center will be located in the new medical and technology building in Pingtan County Hospital.

radiation therapy 英英释义



1. (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance

    Synonym: radiotherapy radiation actinotherapy irradiation