radio station

radio station [ˈreidiəu ˈsteiʃən]  [ˈredio ˈsteʃən] 

radio station 基本解释

电台; 广播站; 无线电台

radio station 网络解释

1. 电台:Love Rollercoaster"果然风光至极地登上No.1. 然而事业一帆风顺背后暗藏的药物滥用问题(原团吉他手Hillel Slovak即因此过世)除了导致人事大幅变动外,几乎也毁了这个团. 并且在各大电台(Radio Station)强力放送到社会的每一个角落中

2. 广播电台:Tower)对面的总统府顶楼;在大街区二楼房间内取得弹药补充后,从大街区跑向广播电台(Radio Station)时,又有多名士兵与一台坦克出来搅局,Sam只有好找一些废车做掩护,把躲在沙包后的士兵解决,再以坦克车旋转的死角闪过它的炮口,就进

3. 广播站:valve 电子管(美作:tube) | radio station 广播站 | radio engineering, radio-technology 无线电技术

4. 无线电台:4. clothing store 服装店 | 5. radio station 无线电台 | 6. good quality clothes 质量好的衣服

radio station 单语例句

1. radio station在线翻译

1. Barcelona and Valencia have threatened to take legal action against the radio station.

2. Radio station billboards that featured unflattering photos of a bald, scowling Britney Spears have been taken down after the pop star's attorneys threatened legal action.

3. radio station

3. They said the telephone call to the radio station was likely made by satellite phone.

4. The Australian radio station issued an apology on Thursday, but said the call had been made with " lighthearted intentions ".

5. But then late Wednesday he called a radio station with more warlike words.

6. He called a radio station to say he wanted to travel on the new subway, and a kind citizen gave him her ticket.

7. The BBC World Service Trust runs a radio station for visually impaired people called In Touch for China.

8. The local radio station also reported the cases and called on the community to help find the bandits.

9. " Some people have accused me of being a nerd from central casting, " Rudd replied during a talk radio segment on the youth station Nova.

10. The station also is launching " Paul McCartney's Band on the Run Radio, " a monthlong music channel devoted to McCartney's music catalog.

radio station 英英释义

radio station的近义词


1. station for the production and transmission of AM or FM radio broadcasts