名词轨头; 铁路终点站,铁路末端
1. 轨头:railhaulage 轨道运输 | railhead 轨头 | railhead 轨头
2. 铁路末端:railery 嘲笑 | railhead 铁路末端 | railing 栏杆
3. 终点站:rail 栏杆轨 | railhead 终点站 | railing ladder 舷梯
4. 铺设中的铁路末端:railer 骂人者 | railhead 铺设中的铁路末端 | railhead 军需站
1. railhead的翻译
1. a railroad depot in a theater of operations where military supplies are unloaded for distribution
2. the end of the completed track on an unfinished railway