railroad tie

railroad tie [ˈreilrəud tai]  [ˈrelˌrod taɪ] 

railroad tie 基本解释
railroad tie 网络解释

railroad tie的意思

1. 铁路枕木:secondary manufacture 二次加工 | railroad tie 铁路枕木 | means of transportation 交通工具

2. 铁道枕木:铁道 Railroad | 铁道枕木 Railroad tie | 铁道 Railway

3. 铁路轨枕:railroad through transport ==> 铁路联运 | railroad tie ==> 铁路轨枕 | railroad track ==> 铁路轨道

4. (枕木):◆ sledge(雪橇) sled | ◆ sleeper(枕木) railroad tie | ◆ smack (掌击;掴) slap

railroad tie 英英释义

railroad tie什么意思


1. one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track

    e.g. the British call a railroad tie a sleeper

    Synonym: tie crosstie sleeper