railway station

railway station [ˈreilwei ˈsteiʃən]  [ˈrelˌwe ˈsteʃən] 

railway station 基本解释


railway station 网络解释


1. 火车站:PLMM看的我真是忙不赢.看累了也逛累了随意乱走竟然也走回了Hotel.洗澡退房 拿上晚上22:45到伊斯法罕的卧铺车票($6 包含给旅馆的服务费) 大约早上6:00可到伊斯法罕,吃过自己煮的方便面,在等到21:15预订的TAXI(车费$3 其实只要20000Ril即可)来后,坐车一刻钟来到德黑兰火车站(Railway Station)

2. 车站:清迈与曼谷之间有火车. 从客栈坐RING CAR去火车站(RAILWAY STATION)一个人20Bt. 如果在旅行社买一张票要收80Bt的手续费. 火车票很好买,就一两个人在排队. 售票员懂些英语.

3. 地铁站:到最近的地铁站(railway station)步行10 分钟这里亦曾是进行公众处决、舞会、拍卖和游行的地方,而且一直是格旦斯克的中心. 著名的长街 (Ulica Dluga) 和长市场街(D?ugi Targ)是格旦斯克大众生活的集中地, 实在值得多花点时间细意欣赏这两地的魅力.

4. 铁路车站:铁路(铁道) railway;railroad | 铁路车站 railway station | 铁路调车驼峰 railway shunting hump

railway station 单语例句

1. railway station的近义词

1. By now that gentle chill that required a light jacket at Beijing West Railway Station has developed into frost and snow.

2. railway station的反义词

2. It was expected to converge on a square outside Taipei's main railway station by the end of the march.

3. railway station的意思

3. Most city buses arrive at the railway station, so it is very convenient for tourists to go by train.

4. railway station的翻译

4. The four kidnapped a woman taxi driver that night near a local railway station, raped her and ran away with her money and cab.

5. Although Beijing Railway Station was one of the biggest and best in the country, its splendor was lost in the crush and cacophony of crowds.

6. Wang called police and they found her in the Hangzhou Railway Station later that day.

7. A Xinhua reporter at Fuzhou railway station witnessed many passengers calling their families to tell them their train number and which carriage they were assigned.

8. Trains were suspended after security cameras clocked the disoriented driver sailing past a station through the railway tunnels meant for underground trains.

9. He visited the airport and the Nanchang railway station in the provincial capital upon arrival and inquired into the operation of flights and trains.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. The train whistled as it arrived at the Beijing West Railway Station, where medical professionals and journalists alike raced to the No 7 carriage.

railway station 英英释义


1. terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods

    Synonym: railroad station railroad terminal train station train depot