1. 分枝:上述例证说明两岸之间的交流,正因量的增加而至质的变化,自经贸逐渐分枝(ramify)、扩散(spill-over)至文化、新闻各个层面;接触的方式,也已由民间性质提升为半官方,并朝向官方接触迈进.
2. (使)分枝, (使)分叉, (使)成网状:1421. quadrant n. 象限, 四分仪 信号区 | 1443. ramify . (使)分枝, (使)分叉, (使)成网状 | 1444. rancher n. <美>牧场(或农场)主, 农场工人, 牧童, 牛仔
3. 分支,分叉:rail 铁路 | ramify 分支,分叉 | rampant 蔓生的,猖獗的
1. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork
e.g. The road forks
Synonym: branch fork furcate separate
2. grow and send out branches or branch-like structures
e.g. these plants ramify early and get to be very large
Synonym: branch
3. have or develop complicating consequences
e.g. These actions will ramify
Synonym: complexify