
rampage [ˈræmpeɪdʒ]  [ˈræmˌpedʒ] 






rampage 基本解释

名词乱闹; (因发怒等)暴跳,暴怒; 狂暴行为

动词暴跳,暴怒; 狂暴地乱冲

rampage 相关例句


1. The armed robbers rampaged through the financial district.

2. He could not lie still, but rampaged up and down his bedroom.


1. The captured tiger was on the rampage for several days.

rampage 网络解释


1. 猛虎:战争中泰瑞斯特大学最终被夷为平地,利爪教授带着他的两名高徒俯冲(Divebomb,又译大鹏)和猛虎(Rampage),撤退并隐藏到锰铁山脉(Manganese Mountains). 在躲避汽车人游击力量扫荡的同时,他们也在磨砺着自己的狩猎技巧.

2. 暴怒:- 旋风斩(Whirlwind):使用该技能时副手武器造成的致命一击现在可以触发乱舞(Flurry)和暴怒(Rampage). - 如果在只剩一次可用次数时造成致命一击,乱舞(Flurry)现在也可以正确刷新. - 强化断筋(Improved Hamstring)现在在PvP中受到效益递减影响.

3. 乱冲:A: 有一些超级怪物有一个乱冲表, 当它乱冲(Rampage)时所有在憎恨表顶部的人会被打到. 乱冲是一种同时攻击多个目标的进攻,它的范围很大,隔着半个区都可以打到你. 所以被打了不要奇怪哦.

4. 狂飙:天火(后来才投奔汽车人)狂派:威震天(新版),红蜘蛛(新版),Breakaway分离,变形为战斗机,R8,大力神的左腿--狂飙(Rampage)变形为推土机,大力神的胸口叫做Demolishor破坏者即已经出现的液压挖掘机(还有4个不知道什么名字),

rampage 词典解释
Pronounced /ræm'peɪdʒ/ for meaning 1, and /'ræmpeɪdʒ/ for meaning 2. 义项1读作/ræm'peɪdʒ/,义项2读作/'ræmpeɪdʒ/。

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 横冲直撞
    When people or animals rampage through a place, they rush about there in a wild or violent way, causing damage or destruction.

    e.g. Hundreds of youths rampaged through the town, shop windows were smashed and cars overturned...
    e.g. He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.

2. rampage

2. 横冲直撞;撒野
    If people go on the rampage, they rush about in a wild or violent way, causing damage or destruction.

    e.g. The prisoners went on the rampage destroying everything in their way.
    e.g. ...a bull on the rampage.

rampage 单语例句

1. rampage

1. A policeman was killed and 100 people injured when fans went on the rampage after last Friday's derby between Catania and Palermo.

2. rampage的近义词

2. The police chief said the cops were questioning the driver to find out why he went on a rampage with the bus.

3. The mass killing in Oak Creek is yet another in a recent rampage by gunmen in suburban America.

4. rampage的翻译

4. Mendoza was shot dead by the police at the end of his murderous rampage.

5. The Washington State Patrol says six people are dead and two are wounded after a shooting rampage.

6. Nidal Hasan allegedly went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, terrorism investigators conducted an " assessment " of him before deciding he did not pose a threat.

7. When the USA went on a rampage using its might, the signs of doom have been triggered yet the Americans did not see them.

8. Authorities were working yesterday to learn why a gunman set off on a rampage, killing 10 people across two rural Alabama counties.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. A Shiite militia went on a rampage in the nearby city of Balad last week, killing scores of Sunnis and forcing others to flee their homes.

10. And six people were arrested a month ago in an alleged plot to unleash a bloody rampage on Fort Dix in New Jersey.

rampage 英英释义


1. violently angry and destructive behavior

    Synonym: violent disorder


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. act violently, recklessly, or destructively