
rang [ræŋ]  [ræŋ] 








过去分词:ringed; rung

过去式:ringed; rang

rang 基本解释

动词把…圈起来( ring的过去式 ); 环绕; 包围; 打电话给

rang 网络解释


1. 让:看其所谓历经6年的研究成果、学习英语革命的划时代方法:单词记忆法:orange 拆分:o+rang+e;记忆:魔球(o)让(rang)鹅吃橘子. molecule 拆分:mo+le+cu+le;记忆:馍乐乐,醋乐了,分子这个单词就记住了(带着一口陕西的老土渣味,

2. 嚷:说话叫言(nian)传吃饭叫咥(die)饭或咬(niao)咂讽刺叫嚷(rang)人够不着叫亘(gen)不着刀具刃口锋利叫鏒(can)活巴结人叫 舔尻(gou)子怕马屁的人叫 尻(gou)子客自己备份以上的长辈统称 先(xiyang)人

3. 瓤:新年之际,家家户户乐陶陶. 新年气氛在餐桌上更显丰盛,这显示着人们生活水平的日渐提高,也包含着人们对来年五谷丰登,家庭幸福的美好祝愿! 在山城镇巴,瓤(rang)肘子是每个家庭新年餐桌上必不可少的一道美...

rang 词典解释


rang 单语例句

1. rang的翻译

1. Cannon said a passenger told police the driver's cell phone rang, and the driver lost control when he tried to answer it.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. " Everyone sees how beautiful they are and they want to be like them, " he said as he rang up sales at his cash register.

3. rang在线翻译

3. Gao Changhai rang people up and duped them into believing that their children had been caught selling drugs.

4. The British leader looked overcome with emotion, struggling to retain his trademark broad grin as loud cheers rang out.

5. rang什么意思

5. She pointed to an approaching vehicle I couldn't make out or hear, until it rang a gentle chime.

6. As rescuers carried him out to a waiting ambulance, clapping rang out.

7. rang的反义词

7. It had no horn but a bell that rang to warn pedestrians to clear the way.

8. Old women with groceries balanced on their heads ran screaming as shots rang out at a crossroads near the La Saline slum.

9. The sound of gunfire and explosions from fighting between Hamas and Fatah rang out for the sixth straight day in Gaza.

10. The Mean Girls star reportedly rang mum Dina Lohan on September 2 to tell her the exciting news.