
rapids [ˈræpɪdz]  [ˈræpɪdz] 

rapids 基本解释
rapids 网络解释


1. 急流:tributaries, streams 支流 | rapids 急流 | valley 流域

2. 急流;急滩;险滩:rank-size hierarchy 等级大小层系 | rapids 急流;急滩;险滩 | ratio scale 比率量度

3. 湍流:rapidity 速度;迅速 | rapids 湍流 | rapidty extensible language 可快速扩充语言

4. 急流;湍滩:Rapidly Extensible Language 可快速扩充语言 | rapids 急流;湍滩 | rapids 急流湍滩湍流

rapids 单语例句

1. rapids在线翻译

1. More thunderstorms are possible in the Cedar Rapids area over the weekend, but next week is expected to be sunny and dry.

2. Cedar Rapids officials also were inspecting homes for possible electrical and structural hazards.

3. rapids的近义词

3. The rise in water levels has reduced the stretch of river rapids to just 7 kilometres but made it even more difficult and exciting.

4. This was true mostly in mountainous areas where rapids are treacherous and beaches few and far between.

5. rapids的近义词

5. One of the rapids is called'Oblivion'and is said to flip more canoes than any other on the planet.

6. One of the robes was bought for $ 700 by the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University in Big Rapids.

7. rapids的反义词

7. Underneath the natural structure with numerous karst " frescos, " river rapids roar by like a stampede.

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8. The different shape has more stability and allows for greater manoeuvrability through the rapids.

9. rapids的意思

9. It is not possible to navigate the entire length of the Mekong since the Sambor rapids prevent further passage.

10. Raised in a religious household where alcohol of any kind was not served, she went to Calvin College in Grand Rapids to study nursing.