

rarify 网络解释

1. 使气体变稀薄:rarerrarest 稀罕的 | rarify 使气体变稀薄 | rarify 使成精细

2. 使成精细:rarerrarest 稀罕的 | rarify 使气体变稀薄 | rarify 使成精细

rarify 双语例句

1. Papers subject: The Culture of China and Real Estate Business Strategy Summary: Accompany with real estate gose on, The real estate business have entered the operational stage of rarify step by step, such as green marketing, cultural marketing, relationship marketing, and other new marketing have gradually been accepted by the Real Estate Marketing.

2. During the occlusion of the implosive, the glottis is pulled downward to rarify the air in the vocal tract.

rarify 英英释义


1. rarify的反义词

1. make more complex, intricate, or richer

    e.g. refine a design or pattern

    Synonym: complicate refine elaborate