
rash [ræʃ]  [ræʃ] 





rash 基本解释


形容词鲁莽的,轻率的; 性急的; 不顾后果的

名词(皮)疹; 爆发; 同时大量出现的事件

rash 同义词

形容词hasty imprudent careless impetuous reckless brash impulsive

rash 反义词


rash 网络解释

1. 疹:黄热病疫苗可引起的副作用虽较轻微,可能仅是注射之后头、背部不适,通常两天内症状会消失,但也有较为紧急的情况,如过敏、红疹(rash)、红斑、血管性水肿(angioedema)、气喘或是出现以水肿或坏死(necrosis)为特征的亚都司氏现象(Ar

2. 皮疹:感染病常见皮疹的形态特点 皮疹(rash)是由病原体或其毒素直接或间接造成皮肤、粘膜的损害,使得毛细血管扩张,通透性增加,导致渗出或出血所致. 见于体表的叫外疹(exanthem),见于体内如口腔粘膜的叫内疹(enanthem).

3. 红疹:黄热病疫苗可引起的副作用虽较轻细,可能仅是注射之后头、背部不适,通常两天内症状会消失,但也有较为紧急的情况,如过敏、红疹(rash)、红斑、血管怎样治疗咽炎性水肿(angioedema)、气喘或是出现以水肿或坏死(necrosis)为特征的亚

4. 疹子:rascal 小淘气 | rash 疹子 | rat 老鼠

5. rash:rain shower; 阵雨

rash 词典解释

1. 轻率的;鲁莽的;冲动的
    If someone is rash or does rash things, they act without thinking carefully first, and therefore make mistakes or behave foolishly.

    e.g. It would be rash to rely on such evidence...
    e.g. Mr. Major is making no rash promises...

I made quite a lot of money, but I rashly gave most of it away...
My sister always said I acted rashly.
With characteristic rashness and valor, Peter plunged into the icy water.
...the rashness of youth.

2. 疹子;皮疹
    A rash is an area of red spots that appears on your skin when you are ill or have a bad reaction to something that you have eaten or touched.

    e.g. I noticed a rash on my leg...
    e.g. He may break out in a rash when he eats these nuts...

3. 大量,许多(令人不快的事情)
    If you talk about a rash of events or things, you mean a large number of unpleasant events or undesirable things, which have happened or appeared within a short period of time.

    e.g. They believe this confusion is responsible for a rash of suicides this spring.
    e.g. ...one of the few major airlines left untouched by the industry's rash of takeovers...

rash 单语例句

1. rash的近义词

1. Shingles is a painful skin rash that can pop up in people who have had chickenpox.

2. Analysts also remain cautious in making any rash estimates of future Chinese oil prices.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The map is just one among a rash of new publications that have come out to coincide with the grand event.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The generic industry colloquial term for this damage is " ramp rash ", or " hangar rash ".

5. The rash of suicide bombings show President Pervez Musharraf's weakening control of the region despite the deployment of thousands of troops to crush Islamic militants.

6. However, a rash of missed free throws and turnovers cost the Lakers dearly.

7. Some experts see the investment as rash, while others reckon itis courageous and will achieve huge profits when the crisis is over.

8. Thanks to suburban sprawl and a growth in numbers of both people and animals, a rash of coyote encounters has alarmed residents.

9. rash在线翻译

9. GUANGZHOU - Staff demanding higher wages picketed a Honda plant in South China on Friday, the latest in a rash of industrial actions staged by migrant factory workers.

10. It came just a short time after country's table tennis squad bagged a rash of titles at the Yokohama World Championships.