

rat-tat 基本解释
rat-tat 网络解释

1. (敲门的)砰砰声:bark:叫骂,叫喊 | rat-a-rat, rat-tat, rat-tat -tat, rat-tat-too,,(敲门的)砰砰声? | rub-a-dub:(鼓的)咚咚声.

2. 砰砰声:rat-fuck 标新立异的 | rat-tat 砰砰声 | ratability 纳税义务

rat-tat 双语例句

1. My always knows he is henpecked, every morning, he always falls on his knees to arrive with knee shift before wife dresser, knock knocks rat-tat like bellman at first, take out Jin Zhu again later, the trick that performs hair of hairpin annulus band will please, wife wants some only grouchy, he can say:'the mother that the madam is next officials, next officials are the madam's son.

2. In course of at this time, rat-tat rat-tat rat-tat, mother be back, our open the door, he drags a shoe down, will have got rid of self room, have looked up, the room becomes so clean suddenly, she is extremely happy!

3. However, two feet of my childhood, just is in what the real pay shoe lining of rat-tat of this kind of hard rat-tat is brought up.

4. Of rat-tat of a pair of hard rat-tat, knock go up should become phonic real pay shoe calculates make it.


5. Not a ring, but a hard rat-tat on the hobbit's beautiful green door. Somebody was banging with a stick!

6. Agricultural industrialization, the agricultural industrialization of emigrant area of FfE of rat-tat U & will be new immigrant to offer more extensive obtain employment opportunity, reduce emigrant resistance.

7. Tiring-room worked a long time at long last busy suitable sneaked away, also did not look, of rat-tat is, rang this.

rat-tat 英英释义



1. rat-tat

1. a series of short sharp taps (as made by strokes on a drum or knocks on a door)

    Synonym: rat-a-tat-tat rat-a-tat