1. 推理:● 推理(Ratiocination)法:推理是由一个或几个已知的判断推出一个新的判断的思维形式. ● 归纳(Induction)法:归纳是从个别对象中概括出一般的原理的逻辑方法. ● 演绎(Deduction)法:演绎是从一般的原理中推断出个别结论的逻辑方法.
2. 推理,推论:ardor 热情,狂热 | ratiocination 推理,推论 | raucous (声音)沙哑的,粗糙的
3. 推论:闸对接线比 ratio of gate-to-pin | 推论 ratiocination | 比率测量 ratiometric measurement
4. 推理; 推论 (名):ratiocinate 推论 (动) | ratiocination 推理; 推论 (名) | ratiocinative 推理的; 好议论的 (形)
1. logical and methodical reasoning
2. the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)
Synonym: conclusion