
rats [ræts]  [ræts] 






rats 基本解释
胡说,瞎扯;大老鼠( rat的名词复数 );卑鄙小人,叛徒;
rats 相关例句


1. Oh, rats !

rats 网络解释

1. 大鼠:病毒的历史背景、性状与特徵冠状病毒隶属於冠状病毒科(Coronaviridae)冠状病毒属(Coronavirus),可引起人、狗、猫、马、牛、鸡、火鸡、猪、兔子、小鼠(mice)与大鼠(rats)等多种动物的消化道或呼吸道严重感染.

2. 小鼠:2.2对生殖的影响当给小鼠(rats)和大鼠(mice)喂饲含高剂量的某些苯二甲酸酯的食物时,会影响它们的生殖功能. 根据欧共体委员会(CommissionoftheEuropearCommunities)的考查,大鼠是最敏感的物种,它们是被苯二甲酸酯引发睾丸萎缩,

3. 老鼠:(这里有summary的题) 第三段:R什么什么的和别人的人合作在老鼠(rats)身上做实验,证明了音乐对memory和什么有作用. (也有summary的题) 第四段:提到了baby大脑听到音乐的机理作用. 第六段:家长和其他科学家对这个实验结果的反应,

4. rats:renin angiotensin system; 血管紧张素

5. rats:rat t shock; 大鼠

6. rats:reaction atmo-sphere; 活性

rats 单语例句

1. He electrified some specially designed cages coated with a paint that gave off a fragrant smell to lure rats into the cage.

2. rats的近义词

2. But officials said they had to be extra careful with raticide, which polluted the environment and could also poison foxes and eagles that preyed on rats.

3. rats

3. They take hoe and carry bamboo basket for digging bamboo rats on the hill.

4. In research published in the Cell Death and Differentiation journal on Sunday, the scientists tested NGF in rats and got promising results.

5. rats的反义词

5. Yew said the rats and monkeys both became fearful, suffered delusions and showed signs of other cerebral problems after prolonged injection of ketamine.

6. rats是什么意思

6. The security guards seem to devote more of their time to chasing rats with brooms than saluting people with a smile.

7. The research appears in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology and includes pictures of rats with large tumors.

8. In laboratory tests on rats and on human colon cancer cells, the researchers found that anthocyanins can significantly slow the growth of colon cancer cells.

9. rats的意思

9. Li's company focuses on capturing rats in commercial and residential buildings.

10. rats的反义词

10. The reports quoted health officials as saying infection was passed on from infected rodents like mice and rats and was highly contagious.