
ravages [ˈrævɪdʒɪz] [ˈrævɪdʒz] 







ravages 基本解释


动词蹂躏; 毁坏( ravage的第三人称单数 ); 劫掠; 抢劫

ravages 词典解释

1. 破坏;蹂躏;毁坏
    The ravages of time, war, or the weather are the damaging effects that they have.

    e.g. Carol Drinkwater is blessed with a fine bone structure that stands up better to the ravages of time.
    e.g. ...a hi-tech grass pitch that can survive the ravages of a cold, wet climate.

ravages 单语例句

1. ravages

1. The question is how to gird our brains against time's ravages, a question becoming critical as the population grays.

2. A topic close to her heart is the need for players to protect themselves from the ravages of the sun.

3. She had suffered the ravages of war and a hundred years of humiliation from the West.

4. ravages的解释

4. Tang said the ravages of time have ensured the wall is no longer standing but stones used in its construction remain.

5. Though it lost its arms to the ravages of time, it is nonetheless outstanding in its serenity and beauty.

6. It can take several years after infection for a person to develop AIDS, a disease that ravages the immune system.

7. Even the US and the EU are looking east for respite against the ravages of a self inflicted recession.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. The ancient warriors have not been the only ones to escape the ravages of the quake.

9. ravages什么意思

9. While most of his works haven't survived the ravages of history, his style can still be seen in Emperor Tang Taizong Meeting Tibetan Emissaries.

10. Despite its past popularity, the theatre over the years has given way to the ravages of time.