
rays [reɪz]  [reɪz] 







rays 基本解释
微量( ray的名词复数 );光束;射线;大调音阶的第 2 音;
rays 网络解释


1. 坦帕灣光芒:(路透迈阿密9日电)美国职棒大联盟(MLB)坦帕湾光芒(Rays)指定打击佛洛依德(Cliff Floyd)由於膝伤,今天也进入球队伤兵名单. 现年35岁的佛洛依德是光芒开季至今第五位伤兵,

2. (射线效果):Rain(下雨效果,不错) | Rays(射线效果) | Reptilian(鳞片效果)

3. 放射光线:Flare 耀斑 (也就是一个径向渐变) | Rays 放射光线 | circle 圆

rays 单语例句

1. LONDON - Like UV rays and diesel exhaust fumes, working the graveyard shift will soon be listed as a " probable " cause of cancer.

2. Sweet dreams wafting through your mind until the first rays of sunshine caress your face.

3. As I look towards the window, bright sun rays shine through rows of cassava trees.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. A trio of laser rays flashed to ignite the cauldron after six athletes turned on the three laser equipment.

5. rays的意思

5. On a pleasant spring or fall afternoon, the sun's rays shine through the glass to keep diners warm and full of cheer.

6. Gamma rays would not penetrate Earth's atmosphere well to burn the ground, but they would chemically damage the stratosphere.

7. With 12 rays of light, the sun and the circling birds create a dazzling visual effect.

8. These cultural relics are embodiments of the traditional culture which goes back to ancient times and emits the splendid rays of an ancient civilization.

9. Without tanning beds, soaking up the rays was limited to clear days in the summer.

10. Wear a light colored hat when going out under the sunshine to avoid the sun's rays from shining directly on your head.