1. 房地产经纪人:一般的屋主都知道找房地产经纪人(real estate agent)代为售屋好处很多,在付出一笔佣金之时,您一定想知道房地产经纪人能提供什么服务,让您花这笔钱值得,我们可以从以下几点来分析:
2. 地产代理人:新的法规规定,纽约州地产经纪(Real Estate Broker & Agent)执照将于2008年7月1日起大幅增加培训时间,房地产代理人 ( Real Estate Agent) 由原来的45小时增至75小时,房地产经纪人 (Real Estate Broker)由原来的90小时增至120小时,
3. 地产经纪:在安省,绝大部分物业的租赁及买卖业务都是委托房地产经纪(Real Estate Agent)进行的. 无论是购买还是租赁物业,委托房地产经纪交易,买家或租户是不需要缴付任何费用的,买卖或租赁的佣金全数由业主(Vendor)或房东(Landlord)支付,换句话说,
4. 房产中介:普通购房者 private homebuyer | 房产中介 real estate agent | 首付 down payment
1. A real estate agent in Beijing takes advantage of the slowdown to catch up on her sleep.
2. real estate agent
2. A real estate agent was sentenced to 120 hours of community service for dodging parking fee with an Octopus card trick.
3. real estate agent的反义词
3. " There's a lot of relief throughout the community, " said real estate agent Mark Williams.
4. A real estate agent was quoted as saying that close to half of his South Korean customers had canceled their housing rental contracts recently.
5. The real estate agent didn't offer an error margin for its survey nor a detailed demographic description.
6. Steelman said the real estate agent who sold the family the house told her Schwarzenegger was actually the buyer.
7. A potential buyer speaks with a real estate agent at a residential property fair in Shanghai.
8. The former actress and real estate agent gave birth to twin sons in April of this year.
9. Following the apparent incident, real estate agent Brooke is currently seeking treatment for alcohol and crack cocaine addiction.
10. " It is as if Wilma had given the resort new life, " says real estate agent Isabel Sosa.
1. a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land
e.g. in England they call a real estate agent a land agent
Synonym: real estate broker estate agent land agent house agent