
realign [ˌri:əˈlaɪn]  [ˌriəˈlaɪn] 







realign 基本解释



realign 网络解释


1. 重新对齐:real proxy 真实代理 | realign 重新对齐 | rebar band rebar 带区

2. 重组,改组:5. ,say, 假定,比如说 | 6. realign 重组,改组 | 7. back-to-back 连续的

3. 重新排列:realia 教具 | realign 重新排列 | realignment 重新排列

4. 再编制,再结盟:funereal,悲哀,送葬,适合葬礼 | realign,再编制,再结盟 | realise,兑现,觉悟,明白,实现

realign 词典解释

1. 重整;重组;重塑;重新制定
    If you realign your ideas, policies, or plans, you organize them in a different way in order to take account of new circumstances.

    e.g. She has, almost single-handedly, realigned British politics.

2. 重新调整;重新排列
    If you realign objects, you move some or all of them in order to make them into a particular pattern.

    e.g. I turned aside to realign the photographs of my children on the shelf.

realign 单语例句

1. Easing inflation should create rooms for energy price normalization, and gradually realign domestic fuel prices to international levels.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Pressure on China to realign its currency has been growing in the United States.

3. " There has been much discussion on how to better realign the telecom industry, " a senior executive with China Unicom told China Daily last week.

4. realign是什么意思

4. Though the company planned to cut and realign 156 routes this year, only two were cut successfully.

5. You just need to wait a little while for your emotions to realign themselves and then you'll be where you need to be.

6. The urgent task to realign economies after the global financial crisis demands rigorous reform, she said.

7. The new Tokyo government has said it wants to review their presence, as well as an agreement between the two nations to realign the troops.

8. This is damping China's aspiration to realign the focus of economic growth from exports and investments to domestic consumption.

9. The reforms also " realign " India's standing in the US export control regime by removing it from several country groups associated with proliferation concerns.

realign 英英释义



1. align anew or better

    e.g. The surgeon realigned my jaw after the accident

    Synonym: realine