
really [ˈri:əli]  [ˈriəˌli, ˈrili] 

really 基本解释


副词实际上; 真,真正; 实在,果真; 事实上

really 相关例句



1. You ought really to have asked me first, you know.

2. I really hate him.

3. It's really cold today.

4. Well, really! You needn't have said that.

5. Did she really say that?

really 情景对话



A:You really should stop (smoking/ drinking/ doing drugs).

B:I know.


A:(Prices/ rents) have really gone up the past couple of years.



A:I suppose (that’s true/ you’re right/ we should.)

B:We’re really stupid not to.

really 网络解释

1. 真正的:这个结论不应被认为是(a)一种真正的(really)恢复的权力的反抗,也不应被认为是(b)一种真正的(really)反抗的恢复. 两者皆是,而这个矛盾形成了能动性的困境. 按照对服从的表述,它既使主体屈从,又使主体生成,作为屈从,权力是一套先于主体的条件,

really 词典解释

1. (表示强调)的确,确实
    You can use really to emphasize a statement.

    e.g. I'm very sorry. I really am...
    e.g. It really is best to manage without any medication if you possibly can...

2. (放在形容词或副词前表示强调)极其,非常
    You can use really to emphasize an adjective or adverb.

    e.g. It was really good...
    e.g. They were really nice people...

3. 实际上;实在;事实上
    You use really when you are discussing the real facts about something, in contrast to the ones someone wants you to believe.

    e.g. My father didn't really love her...
    e.g. What was really going on?...

4. (用于问句或否定句中引出否定回答)真的,说实在的
    People use really in questions and negative statements when they want you to answer 'no'.

    e.g. Do you really think he would be that stupid?...
    e.g. You can't really expect me to believe you didn't know him.

5. 真正地(开始)
    If you refer to a time when something really begins to happen, you are emphasizing that it starts to happen at that time to a much greater extent and much more seriously than before.

    e.g. That's when the pressure really started...
    e.g. He only really started going out with girls at college.

6. (放在否定陈述句中减轻语气)真的,真正,其实
    People sometimes use really to slightly reduce the force of a negative statement.

    e.g. I'm not really surprised...
    e.g. 'Did they hurt you?' — 'Not really'...

7. (放在句中表示不那么确定)真的,还是
    People sometimes add really to statements in order to make them less definite and more uncertain.

    e.g. She is a quiet girl really...
    e.g. I'm happy most of the time, really.

8. (表示惊讶)还真是,还真的
    People use really to show that they are surprised or that the person they are speaking to may be surprised about something.

    e.g. Actually it was quite good really...
    e.g. I was really rather fond of Arthur.

9. (对某人所说的话表示怀疑或不相信)真的,是吗
    You can say really to express surprise or disbelief at what someone has said.

    e.g. 'We discovered it was totally the wrong decision.' — 'Really?'...
    e.g. 'We saw a very bright shooting star.'—'Did you really?'


10. (用在对话中表示对对方所说的内容感兴趣)是吗,真的吗
    You can say 'really' in a conversation to show that you are interested in what someone is saying.

    e.g. 'We had a very interesting chat.' — 'Really? About what?'


11. (表示有些恼怒或厌烦)说真的,坦白讲
      Some people say really when they are slightly annoyed or offended by something.

      e.g. Really, Mr Riss, I expected better of you.

Note that really and actually are both used to emphasize statements. You use really in conversation to emphasize something that you are saying. I really think he's sick. Note that when really is used in a negative sentence, its position in relation to the verb affects the meaning. For instance, if you say 'I really don't like Richard', with really in front of the verb, you are emphasizing how much you dislike Richard. However, if you say 'I don't really like Richard', with really coming after the negative, you are still saying that you dislike Richard, but the feeling is not particularly strong. When you use really in front of an adjective or adverb, it has a similar meaning to very. This is really serious. Actually is used to emphasize what is true or genuine in a situation, often when this is surprising, or a contrast with what has just been said. All the characters in the novel actually existed... He actually began to cry. It can also be used to be precise or to correct someone. No one was actually drunk... We couldn't actually see the garden.
注意,really 和 actually 在句中都表强调。really在对话中强调所陈述的事实。如,I really think he's sick(我真的以为他病了)。really用在否定句中时,放在动词前或后的位置不同,句意不同。如,I really don't like Richard(我真的不喜欢理查德)。在这个句子里really放在动词前,强调不喜欢理查德的程度。但是,如果说I don't really like Richard (我不那么喜欢理查德),在这个句子里really放在否定词之后,仍然表示不喜欢理查德,但是程度没有那么强了。当really用在句中形容词或副词前时,意思和very一样。如,This is really serious (这真的很严重)。actually用来强调某种情形下实际或真实的情况,经常是令人吃惊的,或与前面提到的形成对照。如,All the characters in the novel actually existed(小说里的所有人物都是现实存在的),He actually began to cry (他竟然哭了起来),actually也可用来确定或更正某人的话或行为。如,No one was actually drunk(没有人真的喝醉了),We couldn't actually see the garden(我们实际上并不能看到花园)。
really 单语例句

1. Business culture in China is unique in the sense that you really need to form guanxi.

2. I could have tried to push maybe, but really it's wonderful.

3. really的翻译

3. It was really fast with a kilometre to go but then everybody eased up 500 metres out.

4. But he really wanted the money to buy gifts for the woman.

5. As for the rich people who really want to buy luxury items all the time, the number is understandably much smaller.

6. The banks that originated mortgage loans sold their portfolios to investors who didn't really understand what they were buying.

7. At night I come, by day I'm lost but not really gone.

8. I really doubt his parents say the boy formed the habit by himself.

9. I always thought it would've by now in London, but it hasn't really.

10. It's really up to Bush's team to act, he said.

really 英英释义


1. used as intensifiers
    `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'
    `rattling' is informal

    e.g. she was very gifted
           he played very well
           a really enjoyable evening
           I'm real sorry about it
           a rattling good yarn

    Synonym: very real rattling

2. in accordance with truth or fact or reality

    e.g. she was now truly American
           a genuinely open society
           they don't really listen to us

    Synonym: truly genuinely

3. in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers)

    e.g. in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire
           really, you shouldn't have done it
           a truly awful book

    Synonym: in truth truly

4. in actual fact

    e.g. to be nominally but not actually independent
           no one actually saw the shark
           large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt

    Synonym: actually