rear end

rear end [riə end]  [rɪr ɛnd] 

rear end 基本解释


rear end 网络解释

1. 后部:短车身后 部(rear end)的明显好处是具有更好的爬坡时的贴地及循迹性. 而后下叉较少为人所知的 方面是,其实它也会影响过弯性能. 较长的后下叉可以平衡 前后两轮是贴地或滑动;较短的后下叉则会让前轮过弯时滑 动,除非骑士重心前移,

2. 无杆端:有杆端 rod end | 无杆端 rear end | 外伸行程 extend stroke

3. 后端、末端:横向的 transverse | 后端、末端 rear end | 户内的 indoor

4. 在尾端的:rear 后面 | rear-end 在尾端的 | rear-most 最后面的

rear end 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. He prefers a car with a strong front end, using his skill to keep the rear under control.

2. Sources from traffic department of Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau said that side and rear end collisions are major factors in accidents.

3. rear end的反义词

3. Is it serious art house drama, or is it just a chance to see Clooney's naked rear end.

rear end 英英释义

rear end的翻译


1. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

    e.g. he deserves a good kick in the butt
           are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?

    Synonym: buttocks nates arse butt backside bum buns can fundament hindquarters hind end keister posterior prat rear rump stern seat tail tail end tooshie tush bottom behind derriere fanny ass