
reckoning [ˈrekənɪŋ]  [ˈrɛkənɪŋ] 



reckoning 基本解释

名词计算; 账目; 船只位置的推算; (尤指体育运动)属于可能胜出者行列之内

动词<正>计算( reckon的现在分词); 猜想; 考虑; <非正>思忖

reckoning 相关例句



1. By my reckoning we are miles from the factory.

2. At some time there would have to be a reckoning with her.

reckoning 网络解释

1. 账单:1984年专辑<<账单>>(Reckoning)在排行榜上列第27位,比起<<低语>>里的无方向性显得更容易理解、更直观;1985年专辑<<改造的谎言>>(Fables Of The Reconstruction)在排行榜列第25位,尽管经过巡演后乐队显得十分疲惫,可他们还是共同战胜了困难;

2. 清算:而在最近一次的大清算(Reckoning)中,阿斯摩蒂尔斯又得到了显示自己实力的机会,就算是所有其他魔鬼领主一起发起挑战,仍然无法动他分毫. 他个人的意志就可以决定各位领主的更迭. 每年,其他领主都会集结在奈瑟斯(Nassus)的马尔谢姆堡(Malsheem),

3. 计算:reckoner 计算者 | reckoning 计算 | reclaim 再要求

4. 估计;船只位置推算;算帐:reckoner 计算表 | reckoning 估计;船只位置推算;算帐 | reclaim 回收

reckoning 词典解释

1. (尤指并不十分准确的)预计,估计,估算
    Some-one's reckoning is a calculation they make about something, especially a calculation that is not very exact.

    e.g. By my reckoning we were seven or eight kilometres from Borj Mechaab.

2. reckoning在线翻译

2. 报应;清算
    If you say that you will have a reckoning with someone, you mean that you will face them at some time in the future and punish them for something they have done.

    e.g. She knew their truce would not last. There would be a reckoning. There would be another fight.

reckoning 单语例句

1. The debt crisis is only the starting point of reckoning about US complacency in the past.

2. reckoning的近义词

2. To provide a meaningful and convincing guide for the country's future development, we must display prudence in both reckoning the challenges and seeking the solutions.

3. The two have repeatedly delayed that day of reckoning in response to signs that China was making progress on currency reform.

4. Almost every religion or cult has its own version of the day of reckoning.

5. reckoning的意思

5. The failure of the EU to deal with the problems it faced merely delayed the day of reckoning.

6. Bush warned Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on Thursday that his " day of reckoning is coming, " saying there was little evidence he would disarm peacefully.

7. Scrapping the referendum simply postpones the day of reckoning and raises the ultimate costs to be paid by Greece's new leadership.

8. It is far better to do it voluntarily than to wait for the day of retribution with someone else doing the reckoning.

9. Using dead reckoning near the southern most area of South America called for an expert.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. If a ship was sailing in the middle of the ocean, a navigator could make mistakes using dead reckoning and no harm would be done.

reckoning 英英释义



1. the act of counting
    reciting numbers in ascending order

    e.g. the counting continued for several hours

    Synonym: count counting numeration enumeration tally

2. reckoning的近义词

2. problem solving that involves numbers or quantities

    Synonym: calculation computation figuring

3. a bill for an amount due

    Synonym: tally