
recluse [rɪˈklu:s]  [ˈreklu:s] 



recluse 基本解释


recluse 网络解释

1. 隐士:这位数学隐士(recluse)目前失业在家,全家靠着母亲每月30英镑的退休金相依为命. 一位因拒领百万美元大奖而声名远播的的数学天才,目前和母亲住在圣彼得堡的一个简陋公寓里,两人靠母亲每月30英镑的退休金相依为命,这是因为他多年以来一直失业.

2. 隐士,遁士者:recline 斜倚,横卧,依赖 | recluse 隐士,遁士者 | recognize 认得,认出,注意

3. 隐士,遁世者:preclude 妨碍,阻止 | recluse 隐士,遁世者 | reclusive 隐怼,幽寂的

4. 隐遁的:reclothe 再穿着 | recluse 隐遁的 | reclusion 隐居遁世

recluse 词典解释

1. recluse

1. 隐居者;隐士
    A recluse is a person who lives alone and deliberately avoids other people.

    e.g. His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life.

recluse 单语例句

1. The quiet narrow lanes nestled inconspicuously between busy outer avenues offer peace and comfort for the meditative recluse.

2. " He has since lived as a recluse because of his horrific disfigurement, " Xinhua said.

3. recluse

3. Lu has embraced the life of a recluse in his rural Jiangxi province paradise, where he produces " eggshell porcelain ".

4. He has accused McLaren of favouring Hamilton while Dennis has described him as a'remarkable recluse'and their relationship as'very cold'.

5. He was known to be a fiercely private person and stayed as a virtual recluse in his house overlooking the sea.

6. recluse的翻译

6. These quiet narrow lanes nestled inconspicuously between busy outer avenues offer peace and quiet for the meditative recluse.

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7. She's been a recluse over the last year being a mum and she knows the whole world will be watching.

8. recluse是什么意思

8. Her son was working overtime, so she lived like a recluse.

9. He has become a recluse and is uncomfortable being around his grandchildren, his lawyer said.


10. Rumors spread that he turned into a Taoist recluse and hid himself in a mountain.

recluse 英英释义



1. one who lives in solitude

    Synonym: hermit solitary solitudinarian troglodyte


1. withdrawn from society
    seeking solitude

    e.g. lived an unsocial reclusive life

    Synonym: reclusive withdrawn