
recognizance [rɪˈkɒgnɪzəns]  [rɪˈkɑ:gnɪzəns] 

recognizance 基本解释


名词保证金; 具结,保证书

recognizance 网络解释


1. 保释金:教师首先就要吃不了兜着走,停止工作,出保释金(recognizance)将自己保出来,花重金聘请律师,一场旷日持久的(time consuming)官司打下来,往往是身心俱疲,有的时候还会倾家荡产,身败名裂(be utterly discredited).

2. 签保;担保:recision of contract 撤销合约 | recognizance 签保;担保 | recognized clearing house 认可结算所

3. 保证书:recognizably 可被认识地 | recognizance 保证书 | recognizant 认识的

4. 担保书;担保;具保书:reciprocal agreement 互惠协定 | recognizance 担保书;担保;具保书 | record of employees 雇员记录

recognizance 单语例句

1. recognizance在线翻译

1. The two men were booked administratively into the Adams County jail and released on their own recognizance.

2. CHP Officer Patrick Kimball said Klein was booked and released on his own recognizance.

3. recognizance

3. He says she will probably be released on her own recognizance later in the morning.

4. Lindsay Lohan was fingerprinted and photographed and released on her own recognizance.

5. She was held by Gloucester police overnight and released Saturday on personal recognizance.

6. She refused his request to be released on his own recognizance, saying the crimes he is accused of are classified as violent and serious.

recognizance 英英释义



1. (law) a security entered into before a court with a condition to perform some act required by law
    on failure to perform that act a sum is forfeited

    Synonym: recognisance