
reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl]  [ˈrɛkənˌsaɪl] 





reconcile 基本解释


及物动词使和好,使和解; 调停,排解(争端等); [宗]使(场所等)洁净; [船]使(木板)接缝平滑

reconcile 网络解释


1. 和解:第三,如果像约翰.罗尔斯(John Rawls)试图证明的那样,多元价值之间的冲突可以在政治(公共)领域中得到原则上的和解(reconcile),那将消除或大大缓解伯林论题中的紧张,即多元论由于冲突的和解而优于一元论,无疑是普适有效的最佳政治方案.

2. 协调:对于这一系列的问题,Geodatabase通过版本控制提供了完备的解决方案,提供了对GIS的数据处理工作流和长事务的支持,通过数据缓冲和提交时的取舍判断有效协调(Reconcile)多用户同时对空间数据编辑修改的并发操作,

3. 使一致,使和谐,使满足:recommend 推荐,劝告 | reconcile 使一致,使和谐,使满足 | recondite 深奥,难解的

4. 调和;调解:18、postpone 延迟;延期 | 19、reconcile 调和;调解 | 20、settlement 协议;支付

reconcile 词典解释

1. 调和,协调(两种信仰、事实或要求)
    If you reconcile two beliefs, facts, or demands that seem to be opposed or completely different, you find a way in which they can both be true or both be successful.

    e.g. It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father...
    e.g. We suggest that it is possible to reconcile these apparently opposing perspectives...

2. 使和好;使和解
    If you are reconciled with someone, you become friendly with them again after a quarrel or disagreement.

    e.g. He never believed he and Susan would be reconciled...
    e.g. Devlin was reconciled with the Catholic Church in his last few days.

3. 使和好如初
    If you reconcile two people, you make them become friends again after a quarrel or disagreement.

    e.g. attempt to reconcile him with Toby.

4. 顺从;接受;将就
    If you reconcile yourself to an unpleasant situation, you accept it, although it does not make you happy to do so.

    e.g. She had reconciled herself to never seeing him again.

She felt a little more reconciled to her lot.
reconcile 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. But she decided to reconcile with her mother after seeing all the commotion on her behalf.

2. Wang finds it difficult to reconcile the rich education environment which she and her school friends were brought up with in comparison to these children.

3. Would they implement these principles, and how could they reconcile this requirement with commercial confidentiality?

4. But with no current means to reconcile conflicting EU priorities, such a strategically defined policy seems unlikely any time soon.

5. Thus, to reconcile the pros and cons of going vertical is indeed a delicate balancing act.

6. reconcile的解释

6. It was not immediately possible to reconcile the Pakistani and US statements, which suggested that more than one drone may have crashed.

7. reconcile的意思

7. This has become the refrain of his detractors, who obviously cannot reconcile the erstwhile critical spirit with his new moderate self.

8. The bulk of their work is to try to help estranged couples reconcile and make them start over again.

9. He recalled one student struggling to reconcile what he saw in Huie's images with what he'd learned about the US through popular culture.

10. It wasn't possible to reconcile the differing death tolls, though the US military video seemed to support the likelihood of the higher toll.

reconcile 英英释义



1. bring into consonance or accord

    e.g. harmonize one's goals with one's abilities

    Synonym: harmonize harmonise

2. reconcile

2. make (one thing) compatible with (another)

    e.g. The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories

    Synonym: accommodate conciliate

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. accept as inevitable

    e.g. He resigned himself to his fate

    Synonym: resign submit

4. reconcile什么意思

4. come to terms

    e.g. After some discussion we finally made up

    Synonym: patch up make up conciliate settle