
recount [rɪ'kaʊnt]  [rɪˈkaʊnt] 






recount 基本解释

及物动词重新计算; 详细叙述


recount 相关例句


1. The cashier recounted the money made that day.

2. She recounted her sins.


1. The defeated candidate demanded a recount of the votes.

recount 网络解释


1. 伤害统计:2.仇恨统计:改用仇恨统计(KTM)的Illidanel修改版,该版本修正了绝大部分KTM统计错误的地方. 感谢Illidanel为之付出的辛勤劳动!4.伤害统计:伤害统计(Recount)升级至版本71617. 5.仇恨统计:升级仇恨统计(KTM)至版本21.14.

2. 统计插件:10,以前2.3版本的某些统计插件(RECOUNT)会出现把宠物认作坦克然后宠物dps统计乱掉的问题,也许已经修正了?--这个问题据8116推销员的说法,是已经修正了.

3. <<选票风波>:HBO电影频道投拍新片<< 选票风波>>(Recount),回顾了2000年美国总统大选阶段闹得天翻地覆的佛州计票风波. 影片剧本由曾出演<<奔腾年代>>和<<欢乐谷>>的演员丹尼斯特朗创作,故事从选举日当天发生的事说起,讲到五周后佛罗里达州最高法院做出裁决,

4. 重新计票:迷你剧单元照例是HBO电视台年度盘点,今年是大选年,所以演绎政治风波的<<重新计票>>(Recount)有加分,(_you3 jia1 fen1 _)凯文 斯帕西这种级别的电影演员屈尊小屏幕,还有加分.

recount 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /rɪ'kaʊnt/. The noun is pronounced /'riːkaʊnt/. 动词读作/rɪ'kaʊnt/。名词读作/'riːkaʊnt/。

1. 讲述;描述;描绘
    If you recount a story or event, you tell or describe it to people.

    e.g. He then recounted the story of the interview for his first job...
    e.g. He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.

2. (选举中的)重新计票,重新点票
    A recount is a second count of votes in an election when the result is very close.

    e.g. She wanted a recount. She couldn't believe that I had got more votes than her.

recount 单语例句

1. Polls show that while slightly more than half the country thinks Calderon won cleanly, more than a third believe there was fraud and half want a recount.

2. recount的近义词

2. Gore won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the White House when the Supreme Court halted a recount of the Florida vote.

3. So far, judges and court officials haven't said which party is winning the recount.

4. The adviser said that Allen was disinclined to request a recount if the final vote spread was similar to that of election night.

5. The electoral court has until August 31 to decide on the recount, meaning the deadlock could drag on for at least another month.

6. recount在线翻译

6. " It has been clarified there was no discrepancy in the election results, " the council said after the recount.

7. recount

7. Bush, who captured Florida and its electoral votes after a divided Supreme Court ended the recount.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Taiwan's opposition planned to file a petition Monday asking courts for an immediate recount of the " president election " votes.

9. He said he was willing to see a recount and expected a clear result from the shooting probe.

10. There are so many fascinating tales to recount from the book that it's best for the reader to learn more by reading the novel.

recount 英英释义



1. recount

1. an additional (usually a second) count
    especially of the votes in a close election


1. count again

    e.g. We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made

2. recount的解释

2. narrate or give a detailed account of

    e.g. Tell what happened
           The father told a story to his child

    Synonym: tell narrate recite