
recreate [ˌri:kriˈeɪt]  [ˌri:krɪ'eɪt] 






recreate 基本解释


动词重现; 重建; 再创造

recreate 网络解释

1. 再创造:他们是上帝所创造的,并且当他们进入 慈爱的照顾时, 盼望再创造(recreate)他们. 德国的哲学家洛采(Lotze)曾如此写下:'对于当时的希伯来人来说,他们看来似一个疯癫的民族;但是,当我们今日回头看的时候,他们看来是在一个醉酒的世界中一 清醒的民众.

2. 娱乐:recreate oneself with 以......消遣 | recreate 娱乐 | recreation ground 娱乐场

3. 使恢复,修养,消遣:Meteorology 气象学 | Recreate 使恢复,修养,消遣 | Inscrutable 莫测高深的,费解的

recreate 词典解释

1. 重现;重建;再创造
    If you recreate something, you succeed in making it exist or seem to exist in a different time or place to its original time or place.

    e.g. The rooms are furnished and recreate the atmosphere of the castle's medieval heyday...
    e.g. I am trying to recreate family life far from home.

recreate 单语例句

1. It opened three weeks of performances that will recreate moments from those " Camelot " days.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. One of Wudi's ministers ordered local artists to recreate the concubine's image with coloured clothes and project her image with candlelight.

3. recreate的解释

3. Xu hopes it will recreate the success of the special economic zones, which have been widely recognized as a major contributor to China's rapid growth.

4. But his verbal description of each scene is so vivid the listener can quickly recreate each frame in his or her mind's eye.

5. recreate是什么意思

5. Dalglish also believes his squad will be doubly determined to recreate the winning feeling in future having tasted victory at Wembley.

6. By repeating the experiment with video clips shot at bars, the scientists hope to recreate those social cues and see what happens.

7. Thus was born the " Love Program " under which teachers would take on some of the responsibilities of guardians and recreate a family structure.

8. Of course every hour we have to feed them milk ourselves, but use miniature little bottles which recreate how they would get it from mum.

9. recreate的意思

9. These pavilions become attractive focal points for tourists and the local residents who come in groups to enjoy the landscape and recreate.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The place I visited in Guizhou also tried to recreate the profession of being a naked boat tracker for the sake of tourism.

recreate 英英释义


1. give new life or energy to

    e.g. A hot soup will revive me
           This will renovate my spirits
           This treatment repaired my health

    Synonym: animate reanimate revive renovate repair quicken vivify revivify

2. create anew

    e.g. she recreated the feeling of the 1920's with her stage setting

3. recreate的翻译

3. give encouragement to

    Synonym: cheer hearten embolden

4. engage in recreational activities rather than work
    occupy oneself in a diversion

    e.g. On weekends I play
           The students all recreate alike

    Synonym: play