
recruitment [rɪ'kru:tmənt]  [rɪˈkrutmənt] 

recruitment 基本解释


名词募集; 补充; 征募新兵

recruitment 网络解释


1. 招聘是组织及时吸引足够数量具备应聘条件的个人并与具体工作岗位匹配的过程5.工作分析(job analysis)职务分析,通过观察和研究,对某岗位性质进行全面评价获得确切信息的过程.

2. 招募:6.1.1 定义 招募(Recruitment)系指公司运用各种管道、作法,引起社会大众对公司有职位空缺的注意,并且吸引合格者前来应徵此空缺,多数企业都由人力资源部门负责此项工作.

3. 人员招聘:人事管理的系统化和规范化 在前后一年的时间里,普华永道为爱立信中国14家独资或合资公司实施了SAPHR模块,其中包括人员信息管理(Personnel Administration), 组织结构管理(Organizational Management), 人员招聘(Recruitment) 以及管理层发展规

4. 募集:(4)花色苷Cy-3-g和Pn-3-g减少细胞内脂筏(lipid rafts)中胆固醇的含量,抑制TRAF-2在脂筏中募集(recruitment),从而阻断NF-κB的活化和炎症因子的分泌. 本研究的主要结果发表在国际著名的心血管病杂志Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2007;

recruitment 词典解释

1. 招募;招聘
    The recruitment of workers, soldiers, or members is the act or process of selecting them for an organization or army and persuading them to join.

    e.g. ...the examination system for the recruitment of civil servants.
    e.g. ...a crisis in teacher recruitment.

recruitment 单语例句

1. Another two recruitment drives will be held over the weekend at Renmin University and the University of International Business and Economics.

2. Under the mega trend of globalization of business, employers nowadays put internationalized views among the criteria for recruitment.

3. The recruitment package may be part of a larger push by Morgan Stanley to grow its wealth management business.

4. A Shanghai civil servant surnamed Lin learned of the recruitment after wondering into the company's website by accident.

5. recruitment

5. The recruitment work is divided into three stages and will be completed by the end of 2007.

6. The Great Barrier Reef islands caretaker recruitment drive was launched worldwide by Australia's Tourism Queensland, the tourism promotion authority of the Queensland state government.

7. recruitment

7. Remember that recruitment consultants receive more than 50 resumes every day so always follow up with a phone call after sending out your resume.

8. The report said sales positions accounted for the highest proportion of recruitment by job category, with 24 percent of all new hiring forecast for this area.

9. The shortage of skilled people remains a cause for concern, with 38 percent of the respondents saying that was their main recruitment challenge.

10. Jailed collaborators tend to cite financial hardship for their recruitment by Israeli intelligence in its war with militant factions leading the revolt for statehood.

recruitment 英英释义


1. the act of getting recruits
    enlisting people for the army (or for a job or a cause etc.)

    Synonym: enlisting