1. He folded his newspaper into a neat rectangle.
1. 长方形:在程序当中设计相关的类,能够实现对于直角三角形(Triangle) ,长方形(Rectangle) 以及圆形(Circle)的周长和面积的求解.
2. 矩形工具:工具箱中的笔刷工具(Brush)、铅笔工具(Pencil),矩形工具(Rectangle),和椭圆工具(Ellipse tools)等是即可以作矢量mask工具又可以作位图mask工具,而钢笔工具只能做矢量mask工具.
3. 矩形 矩形:矩形 矩形(Rectangle)又叫箱形,也是一种典型的整理形态. 价格上升到某水平时遇上阻力,掉头回落,但很快便获得支持而回升,可是回升到前次相同高点时却再一次受阻,而挫落到上矩形(Rectangle)又叫箱形,也是一种典型的整理形态.
1. rectangle的翻译
1. 长方形;矩形
A rectangle is a four-sided shape whose corners are all ninety degree angles. Each side of a rectangle is the same length as the one opposite to it.
1. Cut the puff pastry into a rectangle about 30 cm by 40 cm, add the filling and fold over.
2. A patron wishing to see the menu is represented by an index finger drawing a rectangle in the air.
3. rectangle
3. The favorite of one city official was a pointy white pole next to a wavy white marble rectangle on a platform.
4. rectangle的翻译
4. The rectangle locating the offspring was contained in the image provided by source.
5. They would contain the name of the pavilion in a circle or rectangle.
6. There were long rooms on each side, forming a perfect rectangle.
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. Spread out basic dough on an oiled baking tray into a rough rectangle and poke out dimples with your fingers.
8. The trade area is a large rectangle of dusty earth bordered by a brick wall and metal poles form shopping aisles.
1. a parallelogram with four right angles