
recuperation [rɪˌku:pə'reɪʃn]  [rɪˌku:pə'reɪʃn] 

recuperation 基本解释


名词恢复; 复原; 挽回; 弥补

recuperation 网络解释


1. 恢复:虽然最初的意图是保障接收(Reception)、集结(Staging)、前运(Onward-Movement)和整合(Integration),以及休整(Rest)和恢复(recuperation)等任务,但随着时间的推移,它已经发展成为用来支持灾害救助、前进行动基地(FOB)甚至作为临时重构队伍(Provisional Reconstruction Teams,

2. 复原:它始终由两种性质上对立的部分过程(part-process)组成,一种过程是由光相伴随的刺激,并且与白色感觉相对应;另一种过程则伴随着刺激以后视网膜的复原(recuperation),并且与黑色的感觉相对应.

3. 再生:recuperated energy ==> 回收能量 | recuperation ==> 再生 | recurrence frequency ==> 脉冲重复频率,重发频率

recuperation 单语例句

1. In addition, there are also many retired cadre sanitariums and recuperation centers located here.

2. That was because such a development would inevitably compromise social stability and economic recuperation, cause worry in the international community and jeopardize the business environment and development prospects.

3. Illegal immigration and recuperation of historical memory are some of the problems and questions of Spanish contemporary society raised on this Spanish documentary series.

4. The state expands facilities for rest and recuperation of working people, and prescribes working hours and vacations for workers and staff.

5. This will lay a solid foundation for the sanatorium to develop into a national base hosting model workers in recuperation.

6. recuperation

6. There is more recuperation from several breaks per day of 10 minutes than one of 30 minutes.

7. recuperation

7. The hot spring serves as a recuperation place for the treatment of skin diseases, arthritis and the prevention of cardiovascular disease as well as physical therapy care.

8. He plans to return to television after two or three months'recuperation.

9. Model workers are also entitled to enjoy a recuperation period once every two years and a body examination once a year.

10. recuperation

10. It employs 15 nursing staff and provides recuperation and recreation facilities for many rare species.

recuperation 英英释义



1. gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury

    Synonym: convalescence recovery