
recycling [ˌri:'saɪklɪŋ]  [ˌri:'saɪklɪŋ] 





recycling 基本解释


动词回收利用( recycle的现在分词 ); 再利用; 再次应用; 重新使用(概念、方法、玩笑等)

recycling 网络解释

1. 回收:即减量(REDUCTION )、重复使用(REUSE )、回收(RECYCLING)、再生(REGENERATION)的原则. 考察研究新产品的生命周期的全过程,考虑新产品在生产全过程以及使用全过程中对自然环境,对人的影响,以有效地利用地球的资源与能源.

2. 再循环:根据产品处理方式的不同,生产企业对废旧产品的回收再用可以分为再使用(Reuse)、再循环(Recycling)和再制造三种形式. 其中,再使用多用于整体功能没有丧失,不经过处理或经简单处理(如费用较少的清洗、维护等)便可继续使用的废旧产品;

3. 回用:由于无废物加工减少了废料、污染和能量消耗,并对环境有利,从而成为弃物(Reduce)、重用(Reuse)及回用(Recycling). 今后推广的重要绿色制造技术. 日本铸造工厂最近提出了3R的环境保护新概念,即:减少废弃物(Reduce)、重用(Reuse)及回用(Recycling).

4. 回收利用:一是在大学本科或相近科目,继续自我增值(Value Added二是重新修读(Start Anew)另一门专业学科,取得加国本科学位;三是透过在社区学院或私立职业培训学院接受相关职业培训,把自己的学历回收利用(recycling四是没有进修,纯粹凭

recycling 单语例句

1. recycling在线翻译

1. The cabinet also urged more efforts to construct a nationwide industrial system that allows recycling of renewable resources and encourages green consumption.

2. Recycling waste from kitchens, factories and farms is becoming an increasingly active area of scientific research in China.

3. For more than 15 days now none of the garbage and recycling units that dot most street corners in Canada's largest city have been emptied.

4. Telecom giant China Mobile won a government award for environment protection last year for its leadership in recycling used cell phones and their components.

5. The China Charity Federation began a waste paper recycling project yesterday, calling on people to increase paper recycling and donate the saved money to charitable causes.

6. Li attributed its success to a coal cinder and water recycling system in the area.

7. Delegates proposed motions calling for legislation to create a circular economy, prevent soil pollution or pave the way for the recycling and reuse of electric waste.

8. recycling什么意思

8. San Francisco's city council voted on Tuesday to become the first US city to ban plastic bags from large supermarkets to help promote recycling.

9. The Beijing mayor also said yesterday that authorities will reinforce measures for garbage classification and the recycling of thousands of tons of food waste.

10. recycling的反义词

10. Vahland gave a lecture on classifying rubbish for recycling at the Beijing Yanqing Yongning Town Middle School to kick off the nationwide program.

recycling 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. the act of processing used or abandoned materials for use in creating new products