red ocher

red ocher [red ˈəʊkə]  [rɛd ˈokɚ] 

red ocher 基本解释


red ocher 网络解释


1. 代赭石:红泥 red mud | 代赭石 red ocher | 软红泥 red ooze

2. 红赭石,赤铁矿:red obstruction lamp for aviation ==> 红色障碍灯 | red ocher ==> 红赭石,赤铁矿 | red oil ==> 红油,油酸

red ocher 双语例句

red ocher什么意思

1. Pericarp bright red ocher, àthin, tender and juicy, sweet fragrance, edible rate of 93.81%.

2. It is covered with Jomon designs and has red ocher pigment around the eyes, mouth and vessel openings.

3. In truth it`s the 9ocher in the hillsides that has painted the town red.

4. Redden as if with a red ocher color.

5. Red earthy variety is known as the red ocher while the metallic one is known as specularite.

6. A red ocher formerly used as a pigment.

red ocher的翻译

7. A cyan horse was tied beside a red ocher wall. From the slight wrinkle of the horses` nose when it sniffs the air, experienced people can feel that: Spring came.


8. Commonly used white and other light-colored Shoushan stone, soak in nitrite iron [Fe (NO3) 2] solution, and then out to dry; also be directly used yellow, orange and light red Shoushan Stone carving, and placed in the shell fire or electric rice chaff box, temperature 3000C ±, about 12~30 hours, you can get red ocher~thick ocher.

9. Backed by North Castle Cave Temple, in the face of Biliuhe, 12 meters long, 20 meters above the old quarry area of red ocher, excavating from the Northern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui, Tang, Song and Qingku 295 generations, a small statue of 2125, ku 龛-intensive, such as the peak-shaped room, 20 meters high, 120 meters long, is the most Longdong rich region caves.

10. In most parts of the surface of Mars are rich in red oxide desert, as well as ocher gravel land and solidified lava flows.

11. Unique carved beams generally use homophonic style and image of the moral approach. The color is mostly red, ocher yellow which gives a feeling of wealth and state.