
redress [rɪˈdres]  [rɪˈdrɛs] 







redress 基本解释

名词补偿,赔偿; 矫正,纠正; 缓解

及物动词补偿; 改正,矫正; 革除; 重新调整

redress 相关例句



1. He did all that he possibly could to redress the wrongs.


1. Any man deserves redress if he has been injured unfairly.

redress 网络解释


1. 矫正:侦查违法行为、逮捕违法者(包括刑事犯)、通过法律程序矫正(redress)违法行为及刑事起诉都可由私人和法律事务所来进行. 如果成功的话,私人法律实施者会有权利保有全部的诉讼收益(proceeds of the suit)--例如,已决犯所交纳的罚金.

2. 纠正,补偿:10. somber 低沉的,暗淡的,严峻的 | 11. redress 纠正,补偿 | 12. pompous 自大的,浮夸的

redress 词典解释
The noun is also pronounced /'riːdres/ in American English. 美国英语中名词亦读作/'riːdres/。

1. 矫正;纠正;改正
    If you redress something such as a wrong or a complaint, you do something to correct it or to improve things for the person who has been badly treated.

    e.g. More and more victims turn to litigation to redress wrongs done to them.

2. 调整;调节
    If you redress the balance or the imbalance between two things that have become unfair or unequal, you make them fair and equal again.

    e.g. So we're trying to redress the balance and to give teachers a sense that both spoken and written language are equally important.
    e.g. redress the economic imbalance between the developed countries and the developing countries.

3. (伤害或损失的)赔偿
    Redress is money that someone pays you because they have caused you harm or loss.

    e.g. They are continuing their legal battle to seek some redress from the government.

redress 单语例句

1. This is a clear signal that China is honoring its commitment to making concrete efforts to redress the trade imbalance between the two countries.

2. So time is also running out for the comfort women, most of whom have been unable to receive even a margin of justice or redress.

3. Japan should redress the erroneous act of violating China's sovereignty and come back to the track of resolving the Diaoyu Dao issue through negotiations.

4. He conceded that it will take years before government efforts to redress a failure to integrate its immigrants produce results.

5. Asian news agencies inaugurated their regional network in a move to redress the current imbalance in news flow.

6. But the court rejected Chinese plaintiffs'demands for compensation, saying that under international law foreign citizens cannot seek redress directly from the Japanese Government.

7. Once a wrong decision is made and a human being is executed, it is beyond redress.

8. The Chinese Government is pushing a reform in the " interest of the broadest masses " to reduce income gaps and redress social inequity.

9. redress

9. But Hewitt wondered how weaker nations would fare if talks to redress the injustice they see in multilateral trading rules go nowhere.

10. The government has already announced tax policies to redress the balance between investment and consumption, such as raising the threshold for personal income tax.

redress 英英释义


1. act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil

    Synonym: remedy remediation

2. a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury

    Synonym: damages amends indemnity indemnification restitution


1. make reparations or amends for

    e.g. right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust

    Synonym: right compensate correct