






redressing 基本解释
改正( redress的现在分词 );重加权衡;恢复平衡;
redressing 网络解释

1. 划眼:redress 调整;纠正 | redressing 划眼 | redriling 重钻

2. 重车、重磨(轧辊):red oxide of iron赤铁矿Fe2O3 | redressing重车、重磨(轧辊) | redressing coefficient of rolls轧辊重车系数

3. 修补:休闲包 swagger bag | 修补 redressing | 旋转钩 swivel snap hook

redressing 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Departments focused on redressing problems regarding migrant workers'overdue wages, illegal employment and supervising enforcement of the Labor Contract Law.

2. A redressing mechanism should also be established to disqualify those who fail to meet requirements.

3. Such a development would go a long way to redressing the country's trade balance.

4. redressing的意思

4. When these are potent in upsetting or redressing such balance, they are prescribed as medicine.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. If tiny mistakes are worth redressing, then what ruling can be deemed perfectly fair?

6. According to the UNCTAD report, redressing trade imbalances has become an urgent global task.