reed mat

reed mat[ri:d mæt] 

reed mat 基本解释
reed mat 网络解释

reed mat

1. 苇席:reed indicator 簧片指示器 | reed mat 苇席 | reed organ 簧风琴

2. 芦席:reed marks ==> 筘痕 | reed mat ==> 芦席 | reed method ==> 簧片振动法

reed mat 双语例句

1. In addition, the reed mat Baiyangdian also has a long history of quality soft white leather is known for.

2. Afar goat herders use a reed mat to shield their campfire from the steady winds of the Ethiopian Danakil Desert.

reed mat的解释

3. As the Hebei more storms, floods, the use of flood season Baiyangdian regulation of water, lake area is an important fishery base in North China in 1955 had produced 1.7 million pounds of fish, soft reed mat produced Baiyangdian output accounted for 40% of the country, but also produce lotus, water chestnut and a large number of water birds, lake area has is the local water transport main lines.

4. Pluck before sunrise and dry in the air on reed mat. It must be dried for one day.

5. And papyrus, a writing surface made by pounding a woven mat of papyrus reed into a thin, hard sheet was used by theancient Egyptians

6. Reed mat pattern many types of specifications, types, there is thatch pad seats, Kang Xi, hoarding seats, seats and other packaging.

7. From Church - before acting, such as a village without a Peking Opera Theater, will be requested in advance by the village, take shelter Carpenter Theater, reed mat bamboo rod guitar shed, wooden pier pads, wooden blocks into sets of logs for the audience seats.

8. 1960S, he pitched a reed mat shed at the site, simply in eight metres deep and 16 metres deep powder sand layer of sludge layer successfully tested a conflicting law works.

9. In the heat of summer still covered with reed mat curtain around noon, the sun, the winter moved into the basement.

10. A comparision study on the effect of tree shading and reed mat shading to crop yield