
ref [ref]  [rɛf] 


ref 基本解释


ref 网络解释


1. 参考:统计数据 平均值、标准偏差、最小值、最大值、离散性、N、差值(delta)可以通过RJC参数指定内部或外部冷端补偿(RJC)要在参考点温度(RJT)参数中输入RJC参考温度. ---- 空白 请注意:但选择了参考(REF)域类型时,所显示的关符合性申明(DOC)列出了该仪器经测试符合的特定

2. 参考点:有的学生在往返参考点时,选择工作方式时,不看操作面板,把操作方式开关选在手动(JOG)方式,而不是回参考点(REF)方式,又不观显示器屏幕,不是造成超程报警有的学生在往返参考点时,选择工作方式时,不看操作面板,

3. ref.:rebound; 篮板球

4. ref:row echelon form; 列梯型矩阵

5. ref:referring to; 提及、参阅

6. ref:refer to; 有关於…

7. ref:reference; 引用,参考

ref 词典解释

1. 档案编号;文件编号
    Ref is an abbreviation for (缩略=) reference. It is written in front of a code at the top of business letters and documents. The code refers to a file where all the letters and documents about the same matter are kept.

    e.g. Our Ref: JAH/JW.
           我们的编号: JAH/JW。

2. ref

2. (比赛中的)裁判
    The ref in a sports game, such as football or boxing, is the same as the referee.

    e.g. The ref gave a penalty and Zidane scored.

ref 单语例句

1. ref

1. Such a move would bar the baldheaded ref with a commanding presence from working Italian league and cup games.

2. Ideally you want the assistant looking from one angle and the ref from another.

3. Telling the ref that he or she can't see is a common way to insult them for missing or making bad calls.

4. Huang from Shanghai had worked as a soccer ref for more than 20 years.

ref 英英释义



1. (sports) the chief official (as in boxing or American football) who is expected to ensure fair play

    Synonym: referee