
refining [rɪ'faɪnɪŋ]  [rɪ'faɪnɪŋ] 






refining 基本解释



动词精制; 精炼( refine的现在分词 ); 使纯净; 使文雅高尚

refining 网络解释


1. 精炼:问管理(PMI Integrated Marketing)顾客关系管理部总监 李淑玲网络口碑知识精炼(Refining)及中文词汇分析举手发言者(HAND-RAISER)的管理汪先生在马里兰大学罗伯特斯密斯商学院取得工商管理硕士后一直在美国从事营销数据分析工作,

2. 精制:市面上许多标注可以耐高温烹煮的温带植物油,其实都是已经经过氢化提高发烟点(*注一)的精制(refining)油. 一些温带食用油的确有利健康,不过要选购冷压(cold press)和未精制(unrefined)包装,并且需要冷藏,开封后要尽快用完.

3. 炼制:因为石油炼制出来的产品提供全人类方便的燃料(如汽油 液化石油气等)及相关的化学产品(如衣料 建材等),虽然历经数次的全球性的大变动(如第一次、二次世界大战、中东战争所引起的石油危机),但是石油探勘(Exploration)、炼制(Refining)及供销业者,因为全球能源消耗量增加,

4. 净化:一旦你开始分层(layering)或净化(refining)音频时间线变成你工作的最好的地方,SpeedEDIT给你同时提供关于节目的宽的和更近的浏览. 所有属性和效果的花键(spline)基础的控制花键(Splines)是你连接2个关键帧之间的方法,

refining 单语例句

1. The company incurred a loss of more than 20 billion yuan in its refining business in the first quarter of this year.

2. refining的解释

2. Analysts said the refining business could be even worse than the third quarter as oil prices continue to rise.

3. The refiner imported the 70 percent of crude it needed for its oil refining business last year.

4. Sinopec imported 70 percent of the crude needed for its oil refining business last year.

5. The country will increase its total oil refining capacity to 440 million tons by the year.

6. The increase in refining and ethylene capacity will spur the development of the related equipment building and manufacturing segment.

7. Each base will have a refining capacity of 20 million tons and ethylene production capacity of 2 million tons.

8. Its crude oil refining capacity tops 4 million tons a year and the company is seeing record net profits and cash flow.

9. Middle East countries have access to cheap crude oil and their refining capacity will reach peak levels by 2010.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. CNPC also witnessed the rapid development of its oil refining and chemical sector.

refining 英英释义


1. refining的翻译

1. the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)

    Synonym: refinement purification