
reformed [riˈfɔ:md]  [rɪˈfɔrmd] 






reformed 基本解释



动词改善( reform的过去式和过去分词 )

reformed 网络解释


1. (改革宗):使用"改革宗"(Reformed)一词,乃是为了使加尔文派传统(Calvinistic)与信义宗(Lutheran)及重洗派(Anabaptist)传统有所区别. 改革宗传统的开山鼻祖是苏黎世第一个改教者慈运理(Ulrich Zwingli, 1484-1531)和日内瓦的约翰.加尔文(John Calvin,

2. 改革过的:reformatory 少年管教所 | reformed 改革过的 | reformer 改革家

3. 改革派的:reformed 改革过的 | reformed 改革派的 | reformerreformistregenerator 改革者

4. 新教的:reformatting 格式变换 | reformed 新教的 | reformed 改革过的

reformed 单语例句

1. The cadre selection system should be reformed to make the process more transparent and allow the public more say and a greater supervisory role.

2. The reformed and revived cultural center system brings a better quality of life.

3. Because the union disbanded, a new collective bargaining agreement can only be completed once the union has reformed.

4. The reform and opening strategy initiated by Deng Xiaoping greatly adjusted and reformed sometimes, even in ways contrary to the traditional socialist system.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. That year, the government reformed preschool education and required many preschools to become commercial operations.

6. The committee also suggested that the system for taxing oil, natural gas and coal be reformed.

7. The system of administrative law enforcement needs to be reformed so that the administrative right to grant licenses and impose penalties will be relatively concentrated.

8. reformed的翻译

8. To that end, the financing system for rural compulsory education must be reformed.

9. reformed的翻译

9. So the practice of letting banks play the major role in financing urban infrastructure construction must be reformed as the urbanization process continues.

10. The Customs General Administration has established a risk control mechanism, strengthened logistics information supervision and reformed bonded logistics supervision.

reformed 英英释义


1. caused to abandon an evil manner of living and follow a good one

    e.g. a reformed drunkard