
refractory [rɪˈfræktəri]  [rɪˈfræktəri] 


refractory 基本解释

形容词执拗的; 倔强的; 难治疗的; 耐熔的

名词倔强的人; 耐火物质

refractory 网络解释

1. 耐火材料:其主打产品酚醛树脂的应用涉及多个领域,包括刹车片和摩擦材料(friction),砂轮片和砂纸(abrasives),覆铜板(CCL),印刷线路板(PCB),PS版,耐火材料 (refractory),铸造(foundry),复合材料(FRP/composite),酚醛泡沫(foam),

2. 难治性:评价:病人在一线方案治疗三个月内复发称为难治性(refractory)病人,往往有效率要低于三个月才复发的敏感性(森sitive)复发者,如果病人在六个月后才复发,用原一线方案就能取得较好的效果.

3. 难治:M2b的诱导分化疗法尚处于实验阶段,临床疗效尚待肯定难治(refractory)和复发(relapsed)AML对再治疗的耐药程度和治疗反应是各不相同的,并取决于疾病本身的异质性、复发的性质、时机和次数,尤其是初次缓解(CR1)期的长短凡一线方案充分治疗无效,

4. 耐火的:refractoriness 耐火性 | refractory 耐火的 | refractory brick 耐火砖

refractory 词典解释

1. refractory

1. 不服管束的;难以控制的
    Refractory people are difficult to deal with or control, for example because they are unwilling to obey orders.

    e.g. ...refractory priests who refused to side with the king.

refractory 单语例句

1. The group has also established large manufacturing and research and development bases of refractory materials, carbon and ferroalloy in China.

2. The notice says the industry entry standards for refractory clay and fluorite enterprises would be published on March 1 this year with immediate effect.

3. They are also looking to be listed in the health insurance directory or even the essential drug list for refractory disease relying drugs.

4. He later worked at a local refractory plant and a foundry plant.

refractory 英英释义


1. lining consisting of material with a high melting point
    used to line the inside walls of a furnace

    Synonym: furnace lining


1. stubbornly resistant to authority or control

    e.g. a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness
           a refractory child

    Synonym: fractious recalcitrant

2. temporarily unresponsive or not fully responsive to nervous or sexual stimuli

    e.g. the refractory period of a muscle fiber

3. not responding to treatment

    e.g. a stubborn infection
           a refractory case of acne
           stubborn rust stains

    Synonym: stubborn