
refurbish [ˌri:ˈfɜ:bɪʃ]  [ˌri:ˈfɜ:rbɪʃ] 






refurbish 基本解释


及物动词刷新; 使重新干净

refurbish 网络解释

1. 刷新:他撰写本书的目的是重新刷新(refurbish)这些条款的内涵,使其恢复它们的本来目的. 在他的分析之下,美国宪法<<权利法案>>中有关刑事程序的修正案并不是孤立的,而是内在的与其它宪法权利条款相和谐,构成一个整体,抵御来自政府对个人权利的侵犯.

2. 刷新,整修:refuge 安全,保护 | refurbish 刷新,整修 | refuse 拒绝

3. 电梯大修:reflection light barrier 反射式光电管 | refurbish 电梯大修 | regenerate to supply mains 回馈到电源

4. 再磨光:refundment 资金偿还 | refurbish 再磨光 | refurnish 再供给

refurbish 词典解释

1. 翻新,整修(建筑物或房间)
    To refurbish a building or room means to clean it and decorate it and make it more attractive or better equipped.

    e.g. We have spent money on refurbishing the offices...
    e.g. This hotel has recently been completely refurbished.

refurbish 单语例句

1. The city is looking to capitalize on this investment in Yi and aims to reinvent and refurbish its industrial image.

2. Airport director Michael Gobb said the shorter runway was not lighted, while work to repave and refurbish the longer one had been completed last week.

3. American soldiers found themselves hiring contractors to paint schools, refurbish pools and oversee neighborhood water distribution centers.

4. Chavez attended a ceremony on Friday opening the refinery after Venezuela helped refurbish it.

5. The redevelopment of the ancient street is part of Beijing's efforts to refurbish its old city areas ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games.


6. Some expect the premium rates to refurbish the sluggish property market by luring more home buyers.

7. The massive redevelopment of Qianmen Street is part of Beijing's efforts to refurbish old city areas ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games.

8. refurbish的翻译

8. The city will build 10 competition venues and refurbish or rebuild some existing stadiums.

9. A Chinese entrepreneur recently agreed to invest US $ 6 million to refurbish and run a department store in central Pyongyang.

10. Gome sold about $ 811 million of bonds and shares in May to purchase stores and refurbish outlets.

refurbish 英英释义



1. refurbish是什么意思

1. make brighter and prettier

    e.g. we refurbished the guest wing
           My wife wants us to renovate

    Synonym: renovate freshen up