
refutation [ˌrefjʊ'teɪʃn]  [ˌrɛfjʊˈteʃən] 



refutation 基本解释



refutation 网络解释

1. 反驳:其八大内涵和精神实质可以概括如下:物理学理论是一个整体,比较只是理论描述和观察资料两个系统的整体比较;不可能把孤立的假设或假设群与理论分离开来加以检验;实验无法绝对自主地证实(verification)、反驳(refutation)或否决(condemation)一个理论;

2. 驳斥:在其所着<<第一辩护文>>(First Apology)中,他说到:他对外邦人也着有一书,称为<<驳斥>>(Refutation). 除此之外,还有一本称为<<论神之主宰>>(On the Sovereignty of God)的书,是他既本于圣经,又采用希腊哲学着作所完成的.

3. 反证:refreshing 再生 | refutation 反证 | regenerating amplifier 再生放大器

4. 辩驳:弊端 malpractice;abuse;corrupt practice;disadvantage | 辩驳 refutation | 驳倒 to confute; to overwhelm by argument

refutation 词典解释

1. (对观点、指责或理论的)驳斥,反驳
    A refutation of an argument, accusation, or theory is something that proves it is wrong or untrue.

    e.g. He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.

refutation 英英释义


1. the act of determining that something is false

    Synonym: falsification falsifying disproof refutal

2. refutation是什么意思

2. any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something

    Synonym: disproof falsification

3. the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions

    e.g. his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive
           in defense he said the other man started it

    Synonym: defense defence