
regurgitation [rɪˌɡɜ:dʒɪ'teɪʃn]  [rɪˌɡɜ:dʒɪ'teɪʃn] 

regurgitation 基本解释

名词回流; 反刍; 翻胃; 胃反

regurgitation 网络解释


1. 反胃:2.反胃(反酸) 反胃(regurgitation)是指在不用力的情况下,胃或食管的内容物反回到咽或口腔,也是GERD的一常见症状,如同烧心症状,正常人在吃刺激胃酸分泌较多的食物后偶尔亦可有反酸,属生理性现象,不会造成损害,与呕吐不同,反胃的出现不伴有恶心,

2. 反流:本研究主要是介绍犬只的胃食道逆流,但由于临床上很容易将几个类似的消化道症状之名词混淆,故先简介胃食道逆流(gastroesophageal reflux)、反流(regurgitation)及呕吐(vomiting)的定义.

3. 返流:返流误吸处理 返流(regurgitation)指由于贲门松驰或胃内压力过高等原因,胃内容物逆流到咽喉腔的现象. 误吸指由于病人咽喉反射迟钝或消失,胃内容物进人气道,.. (2007-03-07)

4. 反胃,回流:pyrosis 胃灼热 | regurgitation 反胃,回流 | thirsty 口渴

regurgitation 单语例句

1. As if Holmes'crushingly unimaginative regurgitation of the film script wasn't enough, tedious songs further sabotage the enterprise.

regurgitation 英英释义


1. the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth

    Synonym: vomit vomiting emesis disgorgement puking

2. recall after rote memorization

    e.g. he complained that school was just memorization and regurgitation

3. backflow of blood through a defective heart valve