
related [rɪˈleɪtɪd]  [rɪˈletɪd]





related 基本解释
related 相关例句


1. I am related to her by marriage.

2. She is related to me by marriage.

related 网络解释


1. 相关的:表演这一概念在有关语言的各种研究方法中已经十分引人注目--在有些方法中它是相关的(related)或趋同的(convergent),在其他方法中则有着显著不同的定位.

2. 相关:直接将这些算法放入类别中并不是好的方法;原因有:●抽象工厂样式(Abstract Factory)目的(Intent)提供一个接口来构建一群(families)相关(related)或相依(dependent)的对象;而无须具体指定(specify)它们的具体类别.

3. 姐妹四人行:曾出演过电视剧<<姐妹四人行>>(Related)的女演员劳拉-布瑞肯利吉(LauraBreckenridge),将来到康斯坦丁学院客串一位新语文老师雷切尔-卡尔(RachelCarr),戏份至少有三集.

4. 关联:在Castor映射定义文件中,一个依赖对象类只能依赖于一个主类. Castor支持一对一,一对多和多对多的关联关系. 多对多的关联关系中,由于每一个依赖对象只能有一个主对象,所以对象之间必须是关联(related)的而不是依赖(depends)的.

related 单语例句

1. MetLife is working with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on business registration and other requirements related to the new entity.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Business management is such a hot topic that more than 60 percent of its products in China are related to it.

3. He delayed his registration by a month to deal with the business related to his team.

4. related的意思

4. Police said the September 19 blast was likely related to business rivalry.

5. Because the reform means VAT will replace the business tax, the initiative has been warmly greeted by related enterprises.

6. related的反义词

6. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, which contains controversial sections related to the Diaoyu Islands and arms sales to Taiwan.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. Scientists have successfully carried out eight experiments on animals in Henan Province and are now busy conducting related studies prior to clinical application.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Related departments of the State Council urged local governments to act as quickly as possible.

9. related的翻译

9. Another included topic is to reinforce the combat against money laundry related to drug trafficking and avoid by all means the financing to terrorism.

10. related的意思

10. But local lawyers told them that they could marry according the New Marriage Law because they are not related by blood.

related 英英释义


1. connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage

2. being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics

    e.g. painting and the related arts
           school-related activities
           related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces

    Synonym: related to