relative humidity

relative humidity [ˈrelətiv hju:ˈmiditi]  [ˈrɛlətɪv hjuˈmɪdɪti] 

relative humidity 基本解释

relative humidity的翻译


relative humidity 网络解释

relative humidity的解释

1. 相对湿度:读/写头安置在圆盘的上方或下方以至当圆盘旋转时,每一个磁头就绕着圆盘的上表面或下表面旋转出一个叫磁道(Track)的圆圈. 通过改变读/写头的位置,便可访问不同的RH就是相对湿度,(Relative Humidity)是用露点温度来定义的.

2. 湿度:HW1-22 绝对湿度: (absolute humidity) 绝对湿度是指单位体积空气中所含水汽的质量, 单位为 g/m3.空气中水汽含量越大,绝对湿度越大,利用绝对湿度直接表示空气中水汽的 含量.HW1-23 相对湿度:(relative humidity) 相对湿度是指空气中实际水汽压与同温 度下饱和水汽压之比,

3. 相时湿度:relative file 相对文件 | relative humidity 相时湿度 | relative instruction 相对指令

4. 绝对湿度:相对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure | 绝对湿度 relative humidity | d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 罕用房间名称

relative humidity 单语例句

1. A heat index that combines air temperatures and relative humidity to determine the temperature perceived by humans was also used.

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2. A simulation carried out by the academy's technicians revealed that constant changes in the relative humidity inside the caves damaged the ancient frescos.

3. The relative humidity has also been above 50 percent for days, a reading that can easily cause heat strokes in the hot summer.

4. Relative humidity has been 77 percent in August over the past three decades, according to the bureau's research.

relative humidity 英英释义



1. relative humidity是什么意思

1. the ratio of the amount of water in the air at a give temperature to the maximum amount it could hold at that temperature
    expressed as a percentage