1. The remaining seven cold together, different flavors, divided into sweet, spicy, fragrance咸香, sweet and sour, 葱油, crisp, color harmony, with symmetry. 12 speculation is pearl sea cucumber, Gracilaria瓜条, melon silk fish, chicken cooked in soy and vinegar cucumber entrusted Jingou Jade, fried melon jujube, 二龙戏珠, Fissidens瓜条, money cup melon, melon silver snow-capped mountains, pulp juice Kam melon, gold cup melon clothing, evaded colorful, delicious taste, from the above list of these names can know that the producers of the idea of just how clever, how the superb artistry.
remaining taste
2. To a black duck, sweet, Xiangxiang, and began to have a little spicy, spicy slowly to the whole, the whole tongue in打颤, as you chew, the kind of unique flavor will infiltrate dentilabial between free in every taste bud on top, even if you rinse with mouthwash, 香嫩feeling kind of hot for a long time still remaining in the mouth, no wonder that the people will sigh eaten: fun, fun ah!
3. Now add the remaining 2 tbsp of crystal sugar, salt and chicken powder or adjust to personal taste.
4. Now add the remaining 2 tbsp of crystal sugar, or adjust to personal taste.
5. For himself he can be certain on the point from his mere consciousness of the separation of everything belonging to the agreeable and the good from the delight remaining to him; and this is all for which be promises himself the agreement of everyone-a claim which, under these conditions, he would also be warranted in making, were it not that he frequently sinned against them, and thus passed an erroneous judgement of taste.
6. After adding different types of extraction solution to wine, the wine exhibited unadulterated and comfortable taste and its remaining taste became long. The blended wine after adding flavoring compositions improved the quality of the wine greatly.