
remembrance [rɪˈmembrəns]  [rɪˈmɛmbrəns] 


remembrance 基本解释


名词纪念品; 回想,回忆; 记忆,记忆力

remembrance 相关词组


1. put in remembrance : 使想起;

2. have in remembrance : 记得;

3. call to remembrance : 想起, 回忆起;

4. in remembrance of : 回忆...;

remembrance 相关例句



1. He had a lively remembrance of his childhood.

2. The book was published in remembrance of the incident.

3. Give my remembrances to your family.

4. He sent me a birthday remembrance.

5. Give my remembrances to your father.

remembrance 网络解释


1. 记忆:这个观念复现时,原来的物象如果在外官上并没有起了作用,那就叫做.记.忆(remembrance). 人心如果先追求它,并且费上辛苦才把它找到,那就叫做.回.忆(recollection),如果人在长时内注意地来思考它,那就叫做.思.维(Contemplation).

2. (回忆):11 Forest Voices(森之籁) | 12 Jungle Groove(丛林舞曲) | 13 Remembrance(回忆)

remembrance 词典解释

1. (对逝者的)怀念,纪念,缅怀
    If you do something in remembrance of a dead person, you do it as a way of showing that you want to remember them and that you respect them.

    e.g. They wore black in remembrance of those who had died.

2. remembrance在线翻译

2. 记忆;回忆
    A remembrance is a memory that you have of someone or something.

    e.g. He had clung to the remembrance of things past.
    e.g. ...happier remembrances of family holidays.

remembrance 单语例句

1. Filipino groups staged their own events on Sunday in remembrance of the victims, including a candlelight vigil.

2. Chinese bourses and commodities exchanges also suspended trading for three minutes in remembrance of the earthquake dead.

3. remembrance的反义词

3. The event will be in remembrance of the forerunners of the nation's auto sector and their significant contributions to the field.

4. remembrance

4. The November 11 Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the end of hostilities in the First World War.

5. It also asked the government to give a freehand to the district bodies and promote such new ideas as sea burials and remembrance gardens.

6. remembrance是什么意思

6. Prince William sings a hymn at the annual Remembrance Day service in London.

7. Holocaust Remembrance Day is typically marked in Israel as a day of mourning.


8. The Ministry of Culture recently launched a series of programs in remembrance of New China's early cultural exchanges from 1949 to 1978.

9. His wreath was laid in remembrance of the hundreds of firemen and others killed trying to rescue people from the collapsing Twin Towers.

10. remembrance的反义词

10. She attended a Catholic Mass in remembrance of the children of Darfur and Katrina, then a tea in her honor.

remembrance 英英释义



1. the ability to recall past occurrences

    Synonym: recollection anamnesis

2. remembrance

2. a recognition of meritorious service

    Synonym: memorial commemoration