
renew [rɪˈnju:]  [rɪˈnu:] 







renew 基本解释


及物动词补充; 重新开始; 使更新; 使恢复

不及物动词重申,重复强调; 重新开始

renew 相关例句


1. A lot of the cost of maintenance went into renewing brakes.

2. I came back from my holiday with renewed strength.

3. We must renew our supplies of coal.

renew 网络解释

1. 续借:下午李明来到学校图书馆借有关运动方面的书籍. 图书管理员(Miss Yang )告诉他只能借两星期,可是李明想多借几天. 管理员说可以续借(renew),但不能借给别人,李明表示同意.

2. 恢复:强化恢复(IR):恢复(Renew)的效果增加15%强化治疗(IH):小治疗(Lesser Heal),治疗(Heal),大治疗(Greater Heal)的法力消耗减少15%治疗大师(MH):治疗(Heal),大治疗(Greater Heal)的施放时间减少0.5秒强化治疗祈祷(IPH):治疗祈祷(Prayer of Healing)的法力消耗减少20%

3. 延期:枫叶卡延期(Renew)的步骤详解第一步:申请. 所谓申请,就是向政府的移民部索取申请延期(Renew)的表格. 第一步:向政府的移民部索取申请延期(Renew)的表格. 特别是有一个不允许下载,必须寄来

renew 词典解释

1. 重新开始;更新
    If you renew an activity, you begin it again.

    e.g. He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe...
    e.g. He believes the peace talks will be renewed soon...

2. 恢复,重新建立(关系)
    If you renew a relationship with someone, you start it again after you have not seen them or have not been friendly with them for some time.

    e.g. When the two men met again after the war they renewed their friendship...
    e.g. In December 1989 Syria renewed diplomatic relations with Egypt.

3. 延长(执照、合同等)的有效期;使续签
    When you renew something such as a licence or a contract, you extend the period of time for which it is valid.

    e.g. Larry's landlord threatened not to renew his lease...
    e.g. The job was for a fixed term and the contract is not being renewed.


4. 使(受到损毁或丢失后)重获新生
    You can say that something is renewed when it grows again or is replaced after it has been destroyed or lost.

    e.g. Cells are being constantly renewed.
    e.g. ...a renewed interest in public transport systems.

renew 单语例句


1. The European Union threatened to renew tariffs against China on a chemical used in industries from pharmaceuticals and construction to food and drinks.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Many of the Coconut Court's guests are couples that were once married on the hotel's beach and come back to renew their vows.

3. Another colleague of mine said he received about 30 calls from different agents a month before it was time to renew his insurance.

4. renew的反义词

4. The regulations will come into effect when the operators renew their licenses beginning early next year.

5. The mission started in 2001, and Washington has urged Tokyo to renew its commitment before the November 1 expiration date.

6. renew是什么意思

6. Instead of compulsory annual safety checks, the draft would require school bus owners to renew their safety qualifications every six months.

7. renew的解释

7. Learning from advanced international technologies could renew their treatment concept, he said.

8. But Beckham's omission for Thursday's game appears to support reports that Capello has asked the club not to renew the Englishman's contract.

9. renew

9. The team has the option to renew the contract in years three and four of the deal.

10. SAP decided not to renew his contract after SAP's finances suffered, in part because of price hikes Apotheker implemented that many customers resisted.

renew 英英释义



1. cause to appear in a new form

    e.g. the old product was reincarnated to appeal to a younger market

    Synonym: reincarnate

2. reestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new

    e.g. We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years
           They renewed their membership

    Synonym: regenerate