renounce the world

renounce the world [riˈnauns ðə wɜː(r)ld]  [rɪˈnaʊns ði wɜrld] 

renounce the world 基本解释

动词退隐; 弃绝尘世

renounce the world 网络解释

1. 退隐:renounce vt. 1. 放弃, 抛弃2. 断然拒绝, 否认,与... 断绝关系 | renounce the world 退隐 | pronunciation n. 发音(方法)

2. 遁世, 成为隐士; 出家:retire from the world 遁世, 成为隐士; 出家 | renounce the world 遁世, 成为隐士; 出家 | get the world off one's back 卸下重担

renounce the world 单语例句


1. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel or renounce violence, conditions the world set for diplomatic engagement and aid.

2. The world will be watching to see if Hamas will recognize Israel and renounce violence.

3. The constitution imposed by US occupiers after World War II said Japan would forever renounce war.