
renovate [ˈrenəveɪt]  [ˈrɛnəˌvet] 






renovate 基本解释

及物动词翻新,修复,整修; 革新,更新; 恢复(精神)


renovate 网络解释


1. 革新:然而,确实有太多的作法、技术和工具可用来改进产品、服务、系统、过程和活动. 以下提出四R策略,即修缮(Repair)、改良(Refine)、革新(Renovate)以及重新创造(Reinvent),这四种策略或许能给有心致力改善的管理者提供一些借鉴之处.

2. 修复:通常要求服从GMP要求的器械在下列情况下可以豁免:再加工者在联邦规章典集第21篇第820.3(w)节中,再加工者被定义为对成品器械进行加工、整修(condition)、修复(renovate)、重新包装(repackage)、重新贮存(restore)或任何其他改变该成

3. 革新;修理:renew 重建,换新 | renovate 革新;修理 | repair 修复,修补

4. 修理,更新:renounce 放弃,否认 | renovate 修理,更新 | renown 名声,名望

renovate 词典解释

1. 修复;改造;翻新
    If someone renovates an old building, they repair and improve it and get it back into good condition.

    e.g. The couple spent thousands renovating the house...
    e.g. She lives in a large, renovated farmhouse.

...a property which will need extensive renovation.
renovate 单语例句

1. The project claims to be a key construction project for Shanghai that will preserve and renovate a large historically and culturally significant area.

2. Guan suggested the bulk of the money should be used to renovate current mining technologies in large coal mines to ensure safety.

3. renovate什么意思

3. The chemical firm was ordered to suspend operation and take measures to renovate wastewater discharge system within a set time limit.

4. The zone is going to renovate the heating measurement and the outer building envelope of the existing buildings that were built before 2003.

5. That estimate was based on a prediction that it will cost 10 million yuan to renovate each house.

6. With loans from China Eximbank, the China Road & Bridge Corporation began to renovate the factory in 2002.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. To restore the historical image of Beijing as an ancient capital, cultural relics protection authorities are to renovate the capital's four major imperial sacrificial sites.

8. Tokyo also plans to renovate four venues used in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, which helped propel Japan's rapid industrialization after its defeat in World War II.

9. The government invested money to renovate the shabby lane with the architectural styles of Ming and Qing dynasties.

10. Local water authorities will also renovate the sewerage system at 21 existing pump stations near the river and it branches.

renovate 英英释义



1. give new life or energy to

    e.g. A hot soup will revive me
           This will renovate my spirits
           This treatment repaired my health

    Synonym: animate recreate reanimate revive repair quicken vivify revivify

2. make brighter and prettier

    e.g. we refurbished the guest wing
           My wife wants us to renovate

    Synonym: refurbish freshen up

3. restore to a previous or better condition

    e.g. They renovated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Synonym: restitute